Universidade de Brasília Brasília, 01 de Julho de 2024

Resumo do Componente Curricular

Dados Gerais do Componente Curricular
Tipo do Componente Curricular: DISCIPLINA
Código: CPPGCA3819
Carga Horária Teórica: 60 h.
Carga Horária Prática: 0 h.
Carga Horária Total: 60 h.
Equivalências: ( PPGSA0228 )
Excluir da Avaliação Institucional: Não
Matriculável On-Line: Sim
Horário Flexível da Turma: Sim
Horário Flexível do Docente: Sim
Obrigatoriedade de Nota Final: Sim
Pode Criar Turma Sem Solicitação: Sim
Necessita de Orientador: Não
Exige Horário: Sim
Permite CH Compartilhada: Não
Permite Múltiplas Aprovações: Não
Quantidade de Avaliações: 1
Ementa: Nanoestruturação de fármacos. Perspectivas e aplicações terapêuticas de fármacos e ácidos nucléicos estruturados em nanopartículas. Interferência de RNA (RNAi) - seleção de alvos, vetores e potencial terapêutico. Desenho e obtenção de sequências de DNA, clivagem do DNA, vetores e métodos de clonagem de genes. Expressão heteróloga de proteínas recombinantes em procariotas, leveduras e células de mamíferos.
Referências: """ Artigos científicos 1. Willians et al. (1982) Cytoplasmatic inclusion bodies in E. coli producing biosynthetic human insulin proteins. Science 215 687-689 2. Ouyang J et al. (2003) High-level expression, purification, and characterization of porcine somatotropin in Pichia pastoris. Prot Expr Purif 32:28-34.3. Gasmi et al. (2007) AAV2-mediated delivery of human neurturin to the rat nigrostriatal system: Long-term efficacy and tolerability of CERE-120 for Parkinson's disease Neurobiol Dis 27: 67-76. 4. Zhang et al. (2003) (2003Intravenous nonviral gene therapy causes normalization of striatal tyrosine hydroxylase and reversal of motor impairment in experimental parkinsonism. Hum. Gene Ther. 14:1-12 5. Xia et al. (2008) Intravenous glial-derived neurotrophic factor gene therapy of experimental Parkinson's disease with Trojan horse liposomes and a tyrosine hydroxylase Promoter. J Gene Med 10: 306-315 6. Wang et al. (2008) Sustained intraspinal delivery of neurotrophic factor encapsulated in biodegradable nanoparticles following contusive spinal cord injury. Biomaterials 29:4546-4553 (2008).7. Kim et al. (2008) Local and systemic delivery of VEGF siRNA using polyelectrolyte complex micelles for1. effective treatment of cancer. J Control Release 129:107-116 8. Zhang et al. (2004) Intravenous RNA interference gene therapy targeting the human epidermal growth factor receptor prolongs survival in intracranial brain cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 10:3667-3677 9. Shen et al. (2006) Supression of ocular neovascularization with siRNA targeting VEGF receptor 1. Gene Ther 13:225-234. "" Revisões 1. Jana & Deb. Strategies for efficient production of heterologous proteins in E. coli. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 67:289-98 (2005) 2. Cereghino & Cregg. Heterologous protein expression in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. FEMS Microb Rev 24:45-66(2000).3. Kwon & Schaffer. Designer gene delivery vectors: molecular engineering and evolution of adeno-associated viral vectors for enhanced gene transfer. Pharm Res 25:489-499 (2008) 4. Peterson & Nutt. Treatment of Parkinson's Diseases with trophic factors. Neurotherap 5:270-280 (2008). 5. Couvreur & Vauthier. Nanotechnology: intelligent design to treat complex disease. Pharm Res 23:1417-1450 (2006) 6. Boado. Blood-brain barrier transport of non-viral gene and RNAi therapeutics. Pharm Res 24:1772-1787 (2007) 7. Bergen et al. Nonviral approaches for neuronal delivery of nucleic acids. Pharm Res 25_983-998 (2008).8. Kim & Rossi. Strategies for silencing human disease using RNA interference. Nat Rev Gen 8: 173 - 184 (2007) 9. Gonzalez-Alegre. Therapeutic RNA interference for neurodegenerative diseases: From promise to progress. Pharm. Therap. 114:34-55 (2007)."" Livros-texto1. Alberts et al. Essential Cell Biology. 3. Ed. Garland Sc., Taylor and Francis Group, UK, 2010.2. Lodish et al. Molecular cell biology. 6. Ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, USA, 2008.3. Krebs et al. Lewin´s Genes X. 10. Ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, USA, 2011. 4. Watson et al. DNA recombinante - genes e genomas. 3. Ed. Artmed, Porto Alegre, 2009. 5. Junqueira & Carneiro. Biologia Celular e Molecular. 8. Ed. Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.6. Fitzgerald-Hayes, Reichsman. DNA and Biotechnology. 3. Ed. Elsevier, USA, 2010.7. Glick et al. Molecular Biotechnology - principles and applications of recombinant DNA. 4. Ed., ASM Press, USA, 2010.8. Primrose et al. Principles of gene manipulation. 6. ed., Blackwell Science Ltd., USA, 2001. 9. Sambrook & Russel. Molecular Cloning - a laboratory manual. 3. Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press, 2001. 10. Azevedo et al. Técnicas básicas de biologia molecular. Editora UnB, Brasília, Brasil, 2003."
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Histórico de Equivalências
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( PPGSA0228 ) ATIVO 01/08/2019
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9041/1 2018.1 CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE/PPGCS - Mestrado - Presencial Não 0 Sim
6769/1 2018.1 CIÊNCIAS ANIMAIS/CPPGCA - Mestrado - Presencial Não 0 Sim

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