Banca de DEFESA: Maria Rosane Marques Barros

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Maria Rosane Marques Barros
DATE: 15/03/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Auditório Prof. Dr. Marçal de Oliveira Neto

 Work-play in Critical Environmental Education: a playful-political proposal for the exercise of environmental citizenship


Critical Environmental Education. Work-play. Team contest. Environmental citizenship. Higher education

PAGES: 258
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

Critical Environmental Education (EE), through its formative processes, positions itself as a political education in addressing socio-environmental issues. It is a branch of EE that takes into account the importance of an education that is critical and transformative of reality, aiming for participatory, reflective, engaged subjects, so that they can involve other social actors in education through political actions in a democratic sphere of exercise of citizenship and the pursuit of environmental and social justice. In this sense, playfulness through game-based work presents itself as a methodology capable of aligning with EE practices, as it is committed to unveiling social and environmental contexts with their asymmetries and contradictions. Assuming that decision-making is an inherent part of games, it is understood that games can stimulate decision-making and action-taking in specific socio-environmental contexts. Thus, the research described in this thesis, by associating playfulness with Critical EA, sought to propose and analyze the convergent formative dimensions between the two fields, focusing on the object of study in terms of problematizing and contextualizing of socio-environmental reality and on the teaching purpose, from the perspective of critical perception and social participation as an exercise in environmental citizenship. To this aim, a game in the format of a team contest was developed and implemented in the Environmental Sciences course at the University of Brasilia for four terms, three in remote format and the last one in person. The research strategy was conducted through a case study, using data collection instruments such as adapted focus group technique with semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, a logbook, and student postings on social media which considered their descriptions and messages, documents issued, and participation records. The data collected was analyzed using an adapted technique of content analysis of Bardin (1977). Regarding the study object, which concerns socio-environmental issues, the game as a work-play brought about different outcomes: understanding of the different social, political, economic, historical, and cultural aspects and contexts that compose the issues; development of a sense of belonging and collectivity; greater awareness of reality; interactive aspect between academic knowledge and local reality; awareness of government omission processes; learning through informal processes; new reflections and questioning about the issues; understanding of new concepts which reveal mechanisms of socio-environmental inequality (environmental injustice, and environmental racism). As for the teaching purpose, the work-play brought other outcomes: the understanding of the different causes, manifestations, and conditionalities surrounding the issues; the process of interpretation and understanding of concepts; active study with guarantees of freedom and autonomy to think and act; praxis as a reflective practice; interactive learning through the dialogue of knowledges and transversalities; the occupation of different institutional and non-governmental spaces and interaction with different movements; emancipation through participation in different social and political spheres; mobilization for social justice; social and political learning through the organization and political articulation of actions; understanding of public policies; personal transformation in the perspective of transitioning from a passive stance towards problems to an active one towards solutions, and finally, social return.

Externo à Instituição - JOSÉ AYRON LIRA DOS ANJOS - UFPE
Externa ao Programa - 3579024 - IZABEL CRISTINA BRUNO BACELLAR ZANETI - nullExterna à Instituição - NYUARA ARAÚJO DA SILVA MESQUITA - UFG
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/03/2024 19:38
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