Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Francyleia Tamyres Oliveira Freire

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Francyleia Tamyres Oliveira Freire
DATE: 03/10/2022
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

AMBIEN(T)AR: Socio-environmental perceptions in narrative dialogue


Critical Environmental Education, Socioenvironment, Production of Narratives, Freirean Perspective

PAGES: 181
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The complexity of contemporary crises, expressed through different consequences in all spheres of the life’s reality in society is realized in different ways that may vary according to social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, generations and other factors. In front of this scenario, it is understood that an educational practice based on environmental rationality and built with the community, allows reflections capable of promoting the criticality of individuals to observe themselves as subjects who are part of soco- biodiversity and the political, historical and cultural processes that happen in their life territories. In this context, this research aims to investigate and reflect about the relationship between the community and the socio-environment, based on the socio-environmental perceptions of students about their territories. This research is being developed through a qualitative approach with elementary school students from a public school in the Federal District, in accordance with the elements of the Freirean perspective and Critical EA, guided by a dialogical praxis. Based on the methods of Participant Research and Narrative Research, the investigation consists of a diagnostic phase and an educational intervention, inspired by the processes that cross the Social Bionarratives (BIONAS), seeking to promote the expansion of their knowledge and reflections about the relationship of the community with the environment. In view of the knowledge under construction in this research, it is important to emphasize that the next steps seek to follow and deepen the theoretical-methodological principles that have guided us so far. In this way, the research will continue in the coming months with the intention of developing: 1) Study and analysis of the materials produced during the intervention; 2) Narrative synthesis, from all the narratives produced so far; 3) Production of a playful narrative to restore the knowledge produced to the school community; 4) Reflexive synthesis of narrative production in dialogue with theoretical-methodological references; to proceed to the last step of 5) Writing and Lapidation of the Master's Thesis.

Externo à Instituição - Danilo Seithi Kato
Interna - 384.719.810-68 - MARIA LUIZA DE ARAUJO GASTAL - UnB
Presidente - 2654011 - MARIA RITA AVANZI
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/09/2022 14:32
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