Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Marcondes Medeiros de Lima

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Marcondes Medeiros de Lima
DATE: 07/10/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Discussions on the Nature of Science in Science/Chemistry classrooms: a focus at teacher performance


Nature of Science. Teaching about Science. Approaches to Science.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
Currently, there is a consensus on the importance of discussions on the Nature of Science (NOS) at all levels of education. However, there is no consensus on what to teach about NOS, nor on how to present these discussions. In addition to the lack of consensus, it is observed that discussions about NOS often do not take place in classrooms. In an attempt to provide support to resolve these issues, several NOS approaches have Bein disseminated in the literature, for example, the Model  of  Science for Science  Education version 2 (MoSSE v.2). MoSSE v.2 approaches Science as a complex activity, which can be analyzed from different areas of knowledge, and in each of these areas aspects of NoS are listed, which in turn are defined in detail. Thus, MoSSE v.2 can be used for two purposes in Science Teaching: (i) to propose teaching situations about Science, and; (ii) as a tool for analyzing teaching situations in the context of NoS discussions. Within the scope of its possibilities, MoSSE v.2 has been explored in its analytical function, but little has been discussed about its use as a guide for didactic propositions. With this in mind, in this work we intend to discuss the use of MoSSE v.2 in teaching situations in Basic Education. From this, we will be able to contribute to discussions on how to teach NOS, in addition to being able to discuss unexplored potentials of MoSSE v.2.

Externa ao Programa - 1043639 - JHENIFFER MICHELINE CORTEZ
Presidente - 071.019.566-45 - STEFANNIE DE SA IBRAIM - UFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/10/2022 10:14
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