Banca de DEFESA: Joanna de Paoli Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Joanna de Paoli Silva
DATE: 25/08/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Auditório Prof. Dr. Marçal de Oliveira Neto - Instituto de Química

Autism, scientific knowledge and inclusion: human development in a historical-cultural perspective in science classes


Autism; School inclusion; Science teaching; Historical-Cultural Theory

PAGES: 230
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

With this thesis we aim to share our philosophy, epistemology – our life project. The birth of this work was soaked with dreams and desires. It originated with the fervor for structural changes, for new ways of thinking about society, for more auspicious interpersonal relationships, for valuing the singularities and subtleties that accompany existence – in all spaces. This includes, in our workspace, treading new contours towards inclusion in science classes that contribute to the consolidation of human emancipation. Our experiences in the classroom with autistic people led us to some questions: what is meant by autism; where are the spaces (schools/regular and/or special/specific classes) that favor the development of autistic students; why do they need to learn the scientific concepts of science and how can inclusive processes of autistic students occur in science classes with pathways to the complexification of development? In search of answers, the guiding thread of our reflections and objectifications was based on the premises of the dialectical movement of human development that explain not only typical behaviors, but also the unfolding of atypical behaviors - the theoretical-methodological propositions of the cultural-historical theory and its Marxist base. We highlight the defectological discussions of Lev Semionovitch Vygotsky (1896-1934), who at the beginning of the last century already anticipated a social perspective on disability and other modes of development. From our references, we present some general elements that allow us to understand autism in the context of inclusive education in science classes in a historical-cultural perspective, we highlight: the biological orientation, the historical-cultural development; natural and cultural psychic functions, meaning, scientific concepts, mediation with material and symbolic instruments, zone of potential development, indirect learning paths, compensation, collective school experiences, integral personality, among others. These concepts are in line with our general objective of analyzing the contributions of scientific knowledge in the development of autistic students in inclusive processes in the light of the historical-cultural perspective. The thesis was structured in four chapters (articles) in multipaper format. In the first chapter, we present the historical and contradictory constitution of autism. Even though Vygotsky was no longer alive at the time of his diagnosis, we present his contributions to overcoming biomedical and limiting conceptions about his modes of development. Understanding that the appearance and stereotyped views about atypical behaviors give indications, but do not reveal the essence, whether an autistic or non-autistic person, learning necessarily passes through the other, through social relations. That is, autistic people do not live in their world, they live in our world and socialize long before they develop autistic thinking. We also discussed the importance of defending singularities in a collective perspective of human emancipation. In the second chapter, we present that school inclusion with peers is the best space for socializing and sharing knowledge, in our case, science with students with disabilities, autistics and other special educational needs. We present some trajectories of inclusion and exclusion in science classes, in order to know limitations and possibilities. In the third chapter, we explain how scientific knowledge and the language of science contribute to awareness of oneself and the world so that a person with typical or atypical development can transform their way of thinking and governing their actions. Finally, with the contributions of previous chapters, we seek to know what are the means to compensate for the difficulties of autistic people in a historical-cultural perspective. After all, we have already followed instruments created to overcome impediments and remove barriers from some disabilities, for example, by placing access ramps to buildings for wheelchair users, creating Braille reading for blind people, systematizing sign language for deaf people. And what is being done for autistic people to overcome their difficulties? In the fourth chapter, still in the process of execution, we present an analysis of articles in national and international journals that include autistic students in science classes from their diagnosis (1943) until the year 2021. strategies are being used and how they contribute to compensating for their interruptions. Finally, we close the text of the thesis promoting a dialogue between the chapters and bring the final considerations.

Externa à Instituição - Débora Dainez - UFSCAR
Externa à Instituição - AGUSTINA ROSA ECHEVERRIA - UFG
Externo ao Programa - 1704471 - EDSON MARCELO HUNGARO - nullExterna à Instituição - MARIA AURISTELA BARBOSA ALVES DE MIRANDA - SEEDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/08/2023 16:05
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