Banca de DEFESA: Francyleia Tamyres Oliveira Freire

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Francyleia Tamyres Oliveira Freire
DATE: 28/10/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams



Critical Environmental Education, environment; socio-environmental perception; narratives

PAGES: 134
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The complexity of the socio-environmental reality is perceived in different ways that may vary according to the socio-cultural contexts in which the subjects are inserted, their experiences and all the baggage of the lived world. Based on this, the present study is based on a phenomenological understanding of the environment and recognizes Paulo Freire's pedagogy and environmental rationality as essential approaches in structuring a critical Environmental Education (EA) approach that enables the integration between scientific and sensitive knowledge in a contextualized way. The objective of the research was to study socio-environmental perceptions of Integral Education students in elementary school at a public school in Sobradinho (DF) and the potential of a pedagogical intervention with the production of autobiographical narratives for the constitution of a critical EA practice. Guided by the (auto)biographical research method and narrative production, the educational process was developed through an interdisciplinary workshop, with the objective of facilitates the exchange of knowledge and contributing to the expansion of knowledge and reflections of the students. The workshop’s planning was intentionally flexible, allowing the development of activities to occur in an organic way. The results suggest that most of the participants have a strong concern with socio-environmental problems in their living environments, especially related to pollution, followed by deforestation. In addition, some written and oral narratives present elements that reveal the students' appreciation and admiration for the landscapes of the Sobradinho region and a certain affection for the socio-environmental experiences lived in their contexts. We consider that the methodologies adopted in the work favored the dialogue of knowledge, the problematization and the reflection on the experiences and perceptions of the participants in an authentic and enriching way. The narratives produced indicate a possible expansion of knowledge and perception of the participating students, being considered essential to present alternatives to hegemonic discourses, by revealing elements related to both rational knowledge and sensitive knowledge that cross the subjects' experiences.

Externo à Instituição - Danilo Seithi Kato - UFTM
Interna - ***.719.810-** - MARIA LUIZA DE ARAUJO GASTAL - UnB
Presidente - 3261681 - SAMUEL MOLINA SCHNORR
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/10/2023 15:24
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