Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Paulo Henrique Oliveira Canabarro

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Paulo Henrique Oliveira Canabarro
DATE: 27/11/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

 (Auto)biographical narratives of Natural Science teachers in the final years of Elementary Education: connections between life stories and teaching autonomy.


critical reflection; emancipation; subjectivity; teacher education; teacher knowledge.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The development of teacher autonomy has the potential to promote the emancipation of teachers and their transformation into critical intellectuals in a continuous process grounded in critical reflection, the ability to make decisions, the construction of professional confidence, awareness of the various contexts that influence education, and active participation in movements aimed at promoting a more democratic, egalitarian, and fair society and education. This research aims to investigate and understand how a group of Natural Sciences teachers working in the Elementary School of the Education Department of the Federal District develop their teacher autonomy and how it relates to the knowledge acquired through their experiences and life stories, using (auto)biographical narratives. It emphasizes the relevance of personal experiences in teacher education, allowing for an exploration of how a group of teachers develop their autonomy, explore the connections between knowledge acquired throughout their lives and their teaching practice, and interpret the meanings they attribute to their autonomy through (auto)biographical narratives, taking into account challenges, experiences, and professionalization. This approach emphasizes the dual aspect of narrative research, both as a way to value subjectivity for investigating and understanding the social and cultural contexts in which educators are situated and as a means of personal and professional development, which is valuable for teacher (self)education. By adopting a perspective of the epistemology of practice, the research will examine teachers' knowledge and how this knowledge relates to the act of narrating, enabling a deeper understanding of the contexts and interpretations of teaching experiences. It will address relevant concepts related to teachers' professionalism, such as professional knowledge, the proletarianization of work, and the loss of autonomy, based on the perspectives of authors like Paulo Freire and José Contreras. It highlights the importance of recognizing the context of narrative research as an ontology in educational research, challenging traditional positivist approaches. This reinforces the validity of narrative as a legitimate approach capable of promoting (self)formation through critical reflection on experiences, thereby contributing to the strengthening of teacher autonomy. The research will be conducted in two stages. The first involves gathering information from participants through an online questionnaire, addressing topics such as life experiences, perceptions of teacher autonomy, professional challenges, and possible relationships observed between experiences and professional practice. The interpretation of responses will allow for the selection of participants for the second stage, which will involve more in-depth narrative interviews. At the core of the research is the offer of an innovative perspective on the role of narratives in the education and professional development of teachers, emphasizing the relevance of life stories as a fundamental element for practice and teacher autonomy.

Externa à Instituição - ASSICLEIDE DA SILVA BRITO - UEFS
Presidente - ***.719.810-** - MARIA LUIZA DE ARAUJO GASTAL - UnB
Interna - 2654011 - MARIA RITA AVANZI
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/11/2023 11:18
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