Banca de DEFESA: Jailton Correia Fraga Junior

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Jailton Correia Fraga Junior
DATE: 22/08/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Social inequalities and excellence in science education: a search for schools that make a difference based on the National High School Examination

ENEM; Excellence; Sociology of Education; Arbitrary; Performative.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

In this research, we investigated the influence of the social effect on school performance in the National High School Exam (ENEM), as a whole, and in Natural Sciences, specifically, in the 2015 to 2019 editions. From the Adjusted Multiple Correspondence Analysis of the socioeconomic information of the candidates, we obtained a measure of the social position of the schools. This social position, if taken as an explanatory variable in a Simple Linear Regression model, was shown to predict approximately 80% of the score achieved by the school in the ENEM. Transposing this model to each test of the exam, we saw that the tests of Languages and Natural Sciences showed greater prediction from the social position of the school, with 74% and 71%, respectively. When we looked at the states of the Federation, the states of the Southeast region and the Federal District occupy the first positions in the rankings. Thus, based on Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Education, especially the concept of the arbitrary and performative acts, and on studies on school effectiveness, we took a critical look at the role played by rankings in creating and maintaining school excellence and quality in science education. In doing so, we showed that new ways of classifying schools are possible and that rankings are sensitive to the way these classifications are operated. Controlling for the social effect on school performance, we observed that some state and federal schools performed well above what was expected in the tests of Natural Sciences and in the ENEM as a whole, according to the statistical model used. Regarding the regions of the country, the Northeast region presented some states that stood out when the social effect was controlled. To these institutions and regions, we designated the terms schools that make a difference and states that make a difference, respectively. We hope this research contributes to the understanding of the basis of the compulsion for measuring school quality and rankings, and shows that the current way of ranking tends to privilege and celebrate institutions and regions where the dominant class is located.

Externa à Instituição - MARIA ALICE DE LIMA GOMES - UFMG
Interno - 3261681 - SAMUEL MOLINA SCHNORR
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/08/2023 17:32
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