Banca de DEFESA: Ana Paula Delfino de Almeida Cecco

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Paula Delfino de Almeida Cecco
DATE: 15/07/2022
TIME: 00:00
LOCAL: Vídeo Conferência

Human capital and its skills: a study from a theoretical and practical perspective in the training of nursing professionals in Tocantins.


Human capital; Entrepreneurial skills; Managerial skills.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

The Nursing profession requires many skills for its effective exercise, many of them related
to predetermined techniques and scripts. However, the professional activity requires skills
that go beyond the dimension of the human sciences, as it requires the development of the
nurse's ability to lead teams, plan activities, evaluate results, predict expenses, manage
resources, among other technical activities expected for their training. The study intends to
analyze the managerial skills in the training of nursing professionals through the perception
of the nurses participating in the research who answered the structured questionnaire with
twelve items of management skills that were quantified from 1 to 5. The results showed that
nurses consider it important the management skills for professional, in the way that such
skills were worked on during the training period of the participants. However, the
entrepreneurial skill was considered unimportant and not so worked on in the formation of
undergraduate nurses. It was concluded that management is an activity of nurses' practice and
that they value the skills of this area of expertise. Even so, the entrepreneurial competence
needs to be studied by nursing students so that the relevance of this competence for their
work practices may be created and expanded.

Presidente - 2353515 - ANTONIO NASCIMENTO JUNIOR
Externo à Instituição - GEORGE HENRIQUE DE MOURA CUNHA - UnB
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/07/2022 08:23
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