Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: João Pedro da Costa Manso Mussi

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : João Pedro da Costa Manso Mussi
DATE: 08/09/2022
TIME: 08:30
LOCAL: A defesa será realizada por videoconferência

The effects of the Mariana disaster over capital flow and the banking system.


Econometrics, Banking System and Financial Integration

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

The banking system has changed and improved a lot over the last few decades with the increase in the speed of information and technological development. Therefore it is proposed a study of the banking variables using a diff-and-diff model regarding an exogenous event that caused capital injection in a determined area. The event under analysis is the Mariana/MG disaster on November 5, 2015, in which capital was injected into the Ouro Preto micro region. Given the situation, it is proposed a comparison between micro regions to analysed if there were statiscally signifcant results due to this event.

Externo à Instituição - DIMAS FAZIO
Presidente - 1642911 - DANIEL OLIVEIRA CAJUEIRO
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/08/2022 17:36
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