Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 06/12/2022
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Vídeo Conferência

“The Railway Modal in the Southwest Amazon: ensures sustainable development and collaborates, based on REDD+, to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions”.


Amazon, Sustainable Development, Environment, cargo transportation, greenhouse gases.

PAGES: 173
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

In this work we approach the modal transport system and the infrastructure in the southwest and south of Amazonas, aiming not only to reduce the predatory risk in the region but also to defend that the implementation of local railways favors the economic development and the population welfare. The research makes use of an economic instrument to equate the valuation of the modal cargo transport system with a view to the sustainability of the region of influence of the municipality of Boca do Acre/AM. In this sense, we also explore a future rail interconnection between the waterways of the Purus and Madeira rivers, as large fluvial areas, 

and their influence in the states of Acre and Rondônia as part of this region. Basically, the work addresses:

1º) Review of land freight transport rules, in road, rail, waterway (inland navigation) and multimodal modes;

2º) Comparative studies of transport offers by regions of the country;

3º) Creation of means that can guide the elaboration of an instrument of economic valuation.

Throughout the chapters we present economic concepts such as market failure, monopoly, positive and negative externalities and concepts of methods of economic valuation of the environment, among others.

With a data collection, we will start with a statistical and econometric analysis that makes it possible to qualify the use of freight and passenger rail transport as a more sustainable means to favor the economic and social development of the region.

The thesis is divided into three chapters.

In Chapter 1 we used a simple linear regression model, based on the Ordinary Least Squares Method (OLS) that evaluates chicken production in comparison with corn production and the distance of some cities in Acre, Rondônia and Amazonas from the capitals Porto Velho and Rio Branco and, based on distance in kilometers, we identified that distance can be a negative factor in relation to the distribution of products, but the offer of transport and improvement of infrastructure can favor local productive activities.

In the second chapter, we further explore the issue of infrastructure, particularly punctuating freight transport in the southwest and south of the Amazon and the environmental aspect, where we compare CO2 emissions by land transport modal, per million RTK, and analyze energy consumption in the freight transport in 2021. Summarizing the data, we defend the inclusion of the rail mode as a transport option in the region studied, enabling the interconnection of two important river basins.

Finally, we evaluated the southwest and south of the Amazon with a view to reducing CO2 emissions, also aiming to increase regional development by improving infrastructure. In the situation, we explored the agricultural sector of Amazonas, the average annual environmental costs in relation to the deforested area and annual environmental costs for the construction of roads and railways, in American dollars (USD), and the comparison of freight transport costs per ton and the calculation of emissions. We approach some valuation methods and signs for a possible project of economic valuation of the environment in the area of infrastructure focused on rail transport, indicating the hedonic pricing method for transport as the differential to establish a valuation model using the specified taxes.

Interna - 1165236 - DENISE IMBROISI
Externa à Instituição - JOANA D ARC BARDELLA CASTRO - UEG
Presidente - 403969 - JORGE MADEIRA NOGUEIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/11/2022 08:28
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