Banca de DEFESA: Fernando de Faria Siqueira

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Fernando de Faria Siqueira
DATE: 21/02/2024
TIME: 18:30
LOCAL: Vídeo Conferência

Three essays on telecommunications, digitalization, and regulation: empirical, institutional and theoretical perspectives


pro-competition standardization, asymmetric remedies, significant market power, wholesale market regulation, regulatory policy.


Monetary Sanctions; Deterrence Theory; Game Theory; Telecommunications Compliance and Enforcement; Incentives Mechanisms.

Digital Transformation; Artificial Intelligence; Labour Market; Digital Policies; Big Techs

PAGES: 137
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

This study examines the impact of asymmetric remedies imposed on service providers with Significant Market Power in Brazilian uncompetitive municipalities within the wholesale markets of dedicated lines, high-capacity data transport, and fixed access network infrastructure for data transmission. Employing a combination of Differencein-Difference analysis and Propensity Score Matching techniques, this inquiry explores how wholesale price regulation influences market concentration, service density, small providers' market share, fiber investments, user grievances, and perceived quality, particularly with respect to pricing and service excellence. The findings unveil a spectrum of effects across diverse remedies and indicators, leading to a proposition advocating the complete deregulation of fixed access network infrastructure for data transmission, the partial deregulation of dedicated lines, and a heightened focus on the pivotal high-capacity data transport wholesale market. Notably, the study underscores the need for robust analysis and careful consideration of the implications of asymmetric remedies on market dynamics and regulatory policy


This study aims to model optimum incentive structures in monetary sanctioning processes led by the Regulatory Telecommunications Authority in Brazil. The imposition of fines has historically been a tool used by the regulator to enforce the regulations it has established. Over time, a scenario has been observed with tens of thousands of fines imposed and billions of reais in unpaid fines. Since 2012, regulated entities have the prerogative of a 25% discount on the imposed penalty, provided they do not contest it and pay in the first instance. This research aims to investigate the implicit behaviours of the regulator and regulated entities in decisions regarding compliance with norms and fine payments, as well as to examine, in theoretical terms, conditions for establishing ideal incentive structures for the quick and efficient resolution of regulatory infractions. Therefore, utilizing game theory modelling, this work seeks to support any restructuring of the regulator's incentive policy in telecommunications.

This study aims to analyse how technological change brought by digitalization may impact economic life in several separate but correlated features. The rapid evolution of digital technology, accelerated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, is fundamentally reshaping economies and altering growth patterns. Digital technologies, particularly those associated with Digital Transformation, have profound economic and social implications, transforming human relations and institutional frameworks. Despite its benefits, embracing digital transformation presents challenges, triggering societal upheavals with winners and losers. This research focus on five main economic features of this digital technological transformation: the macroeconomic impacts of digitalization, including the i) productivity paradox; and the ii) reshaping of development strategies due to the augmenting economic relevance of the service sector; iii) widening social inequalities due to the digital divide; iv) increased market concentration led by the ascent of information technologies; and v) how new technologies such as artificial intelligence may impact the future of labour markets. The analysis is done by a literature review for each of those economic features, complemented by policy implications derived from the research.

Externa à Instituição - YEUNG LUK TAI - Insper
Externo à Instituição - RAFAEL.FERRAZ@P.UCB.BR - UCB
Presidente - 3157948 - ROGERIO MAZALI
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/01/2024 09:36
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