Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Denise Herminio Gontijo do Nascimento

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Denise Herminio Gontijo do Nascimento
DATE: 22/08/2022
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Vídeo Conferência

Social Organizations and Provision of Public Services: Designing incentives for efficient public spending


Social Organizations; Public services; Information and Incentive Theory; Mechanism design; Benford's Law.

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Economia

The study deals with Social Organizations (SOs) in the provision of public services and aims to make, in the light of the theory of games, an adequate design for the efficient provision of quality services by SOs, analyzing the existing incentives in this partnership model in the Brazil. Considering the importance of the role of SOs in the provision of public services in the country, as well as that the provision of adequate public services through Third Sector organizations involves the implementation of a model of professional and quality service provision, and considering that more twenty years after the institution of SOs in the country, there is no crystallized model of implementation of this form of partnership, it is necessary to undertake a review of the current incentives in this relationship in favor of a model that privileges the achievement of results. Thus, the study proposes to analyze the existing incentives in this system of service provision, identifying those compatible with the conjectured quality and economy and those that can be characterized as adverse to this end, and to develop and present an incentive design that describes a successful partnership in the achievement of public services, considering the efficiency of expenditure and the quality of services, taking into account the tools of private administration and management by results. To this end, federal, state and municipal partnerships were analyzed, according to happy and unhappy experiences and, based on the information seized, a model based on the Theory of Information and Incentives was made with a view to theoretically specifying the strengths and vulnerabilities of the partnership via SOs. – theoretical model supported by statistical tests of Benford's Law –, followed by notes on what can be done, in terms of changing the design of the current mechanism that regulates this relationship, in order to ensure better use of the advantages and reduction of vulnerabilities of the current OS model.

Externo à Instituição - FERNANDO SERTA MERESSI - UnB
Presidente - 162391 - MAURICIO SOARES BUGARIN
Externo ao Programa - 2221870 - PAULO AUGUSTO PETTENUZZO DE BRITTO
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2022 08:37
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