(auto)etnography, critical project pedagogy, linguistic education in English.
This research is justified from the encounter of two global and local events, the rise of the far right in Brazil (PINI, 2022) and the isolation and mourning caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Given these contexts, telling our stories has never been so necessary and urgent (ELLIS, 2022), (auto)ethnography emerges as a possibility to (re)humanize us through stories (CANDIDO, 1972). The story to be told is my experience with critical project pedagogy (CPP) (DIAS,COROA,LIMA,2018; ALBUQUERQUE,2020), experience as something that happens to us (BONDÍA,2002). The school is understood here as a place of experiences which dialogues with the use of critical project pedagogy in this space. For this reason, this research aims to share knowledge about building critical project pedagogy in English linguistic education. In this story, told in six acts, I analyze my experience with critical project pedagogy at an English school where I worked for eleven years and built a significant part of my career. The first and second acts are intended for the analysis of my agency process and that of 3 other teachers, which was essential for this story to happen. In the third act, I detail the planning process, the fourth act is dedicated to the analysis of my first experiences with critical project pedagogy. The fifth act tells the story of that project that established our relationship with critical project pedagogy. The sixth and last act presents my thoughts and reflections about critical project pedagogy, understanding it as a continuous process of becoming. I (don’t) finish this (auto)ethnography, two teachers and two students do this rite of passage so that other teachers and researchers feel invited to build new knowledge from their stories.