Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Deyvisson Felipe Batista Rocha

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Deyvisson Felipe Batista Rocha
DATE: 08/11/2022
TIME: 14:30
When the State is the Defendant: Revisiting the Panara Compensation Claim


Panara, compensation claim, reparation, transitional justice, military dictatorship.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Antropologia
SUBÁREA: Etnologia Indígena

In 2000, the Union and Funai were condemned by the Brazilian judiciary to pay 4,000 minimum wages as compensation to the indigenous Panara people. This action for indemnity and subsequent condemnation was based on the moral and material damage caused by the actions and omissions of these organs at the time of contact with this people in the early 1970s, when the BR-163 highway was opened and the people were later removed to the Indigenous Park of the Xingu. This process, from contact to removal, took the lives of more than 170 Panara people in less than two years. The research intends to resume this indemnity action from its beginning in 1994 until the partial victory in the courts in 2000. A paradigmatic action in which an indigenous people succeeded against enterprises carried out by the Brazilian state during the civil military dictatorship. The research will investigate how the reparation was implemented as an indemnity action. Considering, however, the unprecedented nature and the context of the action, which did not have many other examples to refer to, we will address this context through collaborative research with the Panara leaders themselves, also bringing historical documents, some parallels of trials in other Latin American countries that also experienced military dictatorships, and interviews of agents involved in the process, as well as the advances achieved from the work of Brazil's National Truth Commission and its recommendations regarding violations of the human rights of indigenous peoples in the context of the civil military dictatorship.

Presidente - 1550815 - CRISTHIAN TEOFILO DA SILVA
Interno - 404481 - STEPHEN GRANT BAINES
Externa ao Programa - 1645163 - SIMONE RODRIGUES PINTO
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/11/2022 10:11
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