Banca de DEFESA: Carolina Menezes Lima

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Carolina Menezes Lima
DATE: 16/12/2022
TIME: 18:00
Si me permiten hablar…

Testimonio, intersectionality and feminisms: Domitila’s contribuitions to Latin American social thought


Domitila, testimonio, intersectionality.

PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Outras Sociologias Específicas
This master's thesis seeks to publicize the life of Domitila Barrios Cuenca, better known as Domitila Chungara, an indigenous leader of the women's movement in the Bolivian mines of the 1960s, and to discuss the Latin American social thought produced by women. Mother, housewife, saleswoman of salteñas and General Secretary of the Comité de Amas de Casa de Siglo XX, an organization allied to trade union movement from mines, played an important democratic role in the military dictatorships of General René Barrientos (1964-1969) and Hugo Banzer (1971-1978) for the liberation of his people. His testimonio, published by Moema Viezzer (1977), denounces the terrible conditions of life and work in the mines and the violence of the State against workers, indigenous people, peasants and housewives. Participating in the Tribuna del Año Internacional de la Mujer of the United Nations, in 1975, she shared the popular view of the Bolivian reality and the consequences of capitalist imperialism in Bolivia, showing that it is not possible to homogenize the experience of women. The research showed that what later would be theorized as intersectionality was already in force in Latin America and that “embodied knowledge” is a potent form of contribution to the production of knowledge for Latin American social thought.

Presidente - 1968487 - ROSAMARIA GIATTI CARNEIRO
Externa à Instituição - ANA GRETEL ECHAZU - UFRN
Externa à Instituição - MONICA INES CEJAS
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/12/2022 16:23
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