Banca de DEFESA: Tamara Claudia Coimbra Pastro

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Tamara Claudia Coimbra Pastro
DATE: 13/09/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Microsoft Teams

Unleashing of Human Rights Practices: memory and truth as an analysis axis of Transitional Justice in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.


Unleashing of Human Rights Practices; Transitional Justice; Southern Cone; Human Rights.

PAGES: 199
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

This work performs a comparative analysis of the transitional contexts, after the dictatorial regimes of the second half of the 20th century, in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, in order to understand the phenomenon that has been named as the Unleashing of Human Rights Practices. Initially, a bibliographic review was carried out on Transitional Justice and its implementation mechanisms, as well as on democratic transition and its consolidation. Memory and truth were defined and chosen as the axis of analysis for the cases. Based on this, the National Security Doctrine and National Security Legality were included in the analysis of the past, allowing us to apprehend the subsequent context of the institution of truth commissions in different historical moments of the transition of each country. The reports produced by these were detailed based on the contextual contingencies of each country. Then, these documents were collated considering five elements: in terms of object (investigated crimes); the objectives and purposes; number of victims identified; the identification of those responsible; and the recommendations. A behavioural pattern was measured that guides state and social practices either towards a more progressive or conservative agenda. To understand this phenomenon, the National Security Doctrine was analysed as an initial practice for an agenda completely contrary to the policies of promotion and protection of Human Rights. Then, a pattern of stages between “impunity” and “memory policies” was perceived in the three countries and their possible explanations and the mechanisms used to overcome the traumatic past. These elements were listed in order to interpret the Unleash of Human Rights Practices as a set of global actions and reactions. The discussion of this theme makes it possible to think in an interdisciplinary way about the principles for building a fair society that has Human Rights as a guiding principle.

Presidente - ***.982.268-** - PEDRO HENRIQUE DE MORAES CICERO - UNICAMP
Externo à Instituição - BRUNO BOTI BERNARD - FUFGD
Externo à Instituição - CARLOS ARTUR GALLO - UFPel
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/08/2023 11:06
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