Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Leonardo Ângelo de Araujo Andrade

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Leonardo Ângelo de Araujo Andrade
DATE: 27/10/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Zoom

The trajectory of rights for the LGBT people in Brazil and Argentina (1988-2023)


Democracy, Human Rights, LGBT Movement, LGBT Citizenship, Brazil, Argentina

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia


The struggle to recognize rights and citizenship for people of different gender identities and sexuality orientations is a contemporary phenomenon, inserted amid new social movements that emerged in the Western world between the 1950s and 1970s. In this field, the Front de Liberación Homosexual (FLH), launched in Argentina in 1971, inspired other movements in Latin America. In Brazil, it began with the formation of political groups, activist media, and militant events at the end of the 1970s amid the gradual political opening of the military dictatorship. It was a movement that gained strength at the turn of the century, establishing partnerships with the executive branch to shape public policies and putting pressure on the judiciary in decisions that guarantee fundamental rights to the LGBT+ population. However, after more than 35 years of the democratic State, there are still no laws granted by the legislative branch that guarantee protection against violence or even increase the citizenship of this group. A historical path crossed by countless and reinvented forms of intolerance, discrimination, and prejudice in a constant clash between progressive and conservative forces. Within this context, the general objective of the thesis is to analyze the trajectory of citizenship rights for the LGBT population in Brazil from a perspective compared to the reality in Argentina. Furthermore, the study seeks to understand the relationships between social movements and the State and the effects of these interactions on the institutionalization of public policies, participatory spaces, and government programs. To this end, the study will be structured in three phases. Firstly, using a broad bibliographical review and documentary research, we seek to reconstruct the historical process of the struggle for rights for the LGBT+ population in Brazil and Argentina, covering the emergence of the LGBT+ Movement to the present day. Subsequently, based on semi-structured interviews with political actors and participant observation of government events, we intend to characterize the relations between society and the State and how these interactions influenced the advancement or setback of the agenda. In the third phase, through field research, we conducted a comparative study between Brazil and Argentina to survey the similarities and distinctions between the cases. The work is based on research in the field of LGBT+ history and culture, having as analytical assumptions the contributions of studies of relations between social movements and the State - understood as a mutual interaction demarcated by conflicts and partnerships.

Presidente - 1771591 - ROBERTO GOULART MENEZES
Externo à Instituição - JAMES NAYLOR GREEN - UB
Externa à Instituição - JAQUELINE GOMES DE JESUS - IFRJ
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/09/2023 10:17
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