Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Solange Ferreira Alves

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Solange Ferreira Alves
DATA : 24/07/2023
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Protagonismo de povos indígenas a elaboração de um instrumento de resistência e existência: elaboraç

Protagonismo de povos indígenas a elaboração de um instrumento de resistência e existência: elaboração, utilização e efetivação de ferramentas para a Consulta Prévia Livre e Informada de povos indígenas da região amazônica do Brasil e da Colômbia de 2000 a 2023


Protagonismo, Consulta Prévia Livre e Informada, Instrumentos de Consulta, Autonomia, Autodeterminação,  Decolonialidade.


The aim of the project is to carry out research on the protagonism of indigenous peoples in the development and use of Free and Informed Prior Consultation (CPLI) instruments in the Amazon region of Brazil and Colombia, from 2003 to 2023, to what extent do these instruments oppose state norms regulating consultation processes and how they contribute to the political and social insertion of indigenous peoples. The study will also investigate the challenges and opportunities that arise during the implementation of consultation protocols or other similar instruments by the indigenous peoples of Brazil and Colombia. The research is justified by the need to investigate consultation processes and whether they strengthen the participation and self-determination of indigenous peoples in decision-making that affect their lives and their territories, considering the difficulties faced by indigenous peoples in the implementation of the CPLI and in the recognition of the tools elaborated by Indigenous Peoples as a legitimate instrument. The study will also seek to understand how the changes caused by the capitalist and colonialist model affect the practices of social, political, economic and cultural organization of the indigenous peoples of the Brazilian and Colombian Amazon and the challenges caused by this model in the application of the CPLI.

Presidente - 3356294 - ELAINE MOREIRA
Externa à Instituição - LIANA AMIN LIMA DA SILVA - UFGD
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/07/2023 14:58
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