Banca de DEFESA: Mariana Costa Cavalcante

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Mariana Costa Cavalcante
DATE: 13/03/2024
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Zoom

A critical study of capitalist development in the light of the Marxist theory of
dependence: the advance of agro-export and the Brazilian dependent economy


Latin American political economy; agro-export; dependent capitalism;
super exploitation of workforce.

PAGES: 105
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

The purpose of the research is to conduct a critical study of Brazilian
development from the perspective of Marxist theory of dependence. The current context
of agri-export advancement as a decisive productive sector in the Brazilian economy
reinforces the logic of dependent subordination and underdevelopment of Brazil. We
have as object of study, therefore, to analyze the contradictions configured by the laws
of development of dependent capitalism before the consolidation of the role of the
Brazilian economy in the international division of labor, especially in the periods
between 2003 and 2018. Therefore, the study focused on the existing literature about the
history of Latin American capitalist development and the emergence of Marxist theory
of dependence and its foundations; in the analysis of the Latin-American political
scenarioyears and how it was configured until the first decades of the 21st century. As
an analytical tool of the Brazilian economic reality of the period studied we used the
main category referring to the cycle of capital in dependent economies that was
developed by the Marxist theory of dependence: the super exploitation of workforce.
The capital cycle in dependent economies today required an investigation, from data
collection, of the actions of foreign and national capital companies and the 

componentskey to the analytical treatment - the concentration of capital and
technological innovation of these companies and Thus, it was possible to verify the
category of super exploitation of workforce by comparing the data of the average
remuneration of the agrarian sector of certain regions where the production of grain
crops, the national minimum wage and the necessary minimum wage grow.

Presidente - 1771591 - ROBERTO GOULART MENEZES
Externo ao Programa - 2554533 - JALES DANTAS DA COSTA - UnBExterno ao Programa - 1212311 - JORG NOWAK - UnBExterno à Instituição - CARLOS EDUARDO MARTINS - UNICRUZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/01/2024 11:45
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