Banca de DEFESA: Lucas Araújo Monte

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Lucas Araújo Monte
DATE: 09/08/2022
TIME: 17:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

THE BLUE WAVE IN LATIN AMERICA: a comparative study between the rights of Chile and Brazil


democracy, hegemony, right wing, neoliberalism, Latin American politics

PAGES: 312
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

This thesis proposes to discuss the dynamics of ideological openness of Latin American democracy, contextualized by the growth of the political right in the region. In this sense, the research sought to answer whether hegemony restricts the ideological scope of typical right- wing content in Latin American liberal democracy. From the choice of the cases of Chile and Brazil and the previous construction of analytical categories, the methodological technique of discourse analysis was used to analyze all the government plans of the representatives of the most voted right in the presidential elections of both countries, from 1989 to 2018. Empirical analysis pointed out that neoliberalism underpins and drives all right-wing government programs, and that this ideology is not only expressed in the economic field, but also in the social sphere. Thus, it was concluded that Latin American liberal democracy, under the effects of hegemony, does not impose limits on the ideological contents characteristic of the right. On the contrary, democracy favors, in a political-electoral dispute, the neoliberal contents, typical of the right, which are located in the center of the hegemonic spectrum of Latin America. Furthermore, there was a predominance of proposals based on the evocation of values (linked to neoliberalism) around individualism, entrepreneurship, meritocracy and competition as social rationality, and the option for the preponderance of agendas based on the maintenance of the law and of public order. In addition, it was inferred that Latin American democracy is open to accepting ideological content linked to the extreme right, without establishing restrictions that make it impossible to participate, at the same level of equality with the other proposals, in a given electoral suffrage. On the other hand, it was found that the Latin American right, even anchored under neoliberal postulates, presents contents of a social nature, typical of the left, related to the expansion of the welfare state and the distribution of income, to face to the negative effects caused by neoliberalism in the social sphere, in order to minimize, avoid and extinguish claims, conflicts, revolts and ruptures in the social sphere, and provide the respective status quo.

Externo à Instituição - FLÁVIO MARCELO BUSNELLO
Presidente - 1765762 - CAMILO NEGRI
Interno - 2478508 - DANIEL BIN
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2022 16:32
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