Banca de DEFESA: Aline Tona Romero Forrest

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Aline Tona Romero Forrest
DATE: 09/08/2022
TIME: 18:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

Political-Artistic Practices of Revolution: The compromised music of the New Chilean Song (1960-1970)


Chilean New Song; Committed music; political art; socialist revolution; Popular Unity

PAGES: 152
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

This Master’s dissertation aims to examine political and artistic practices focusing on the subject of the socialist revolution in the politically committed music of the Chilean New Song movement during the 1960s and 1970s. Our chief goal is to analyze the relationship between art and politics in the praxis of the main figures of this musical movement. We examine this movement and its musical productions taking into account the context in which it evolved, especially its political commitment to the Chilean socialist experience that led to the Popular Unity Government, and its connections with other revolutionary projects and articulations of the Latin American Left. To this purpose, we will first seek to identify the constitutive peculiarities of the movement and analyze it historically, culturally, and politically in order to understand its relationship with the Chilean political experience and its regional political and artistic ties. We will then look for meanings, concepts and values built around revolutionary art, seen as a cultural politics, and reflect on the relationship between art and politics. Specifically in terms of this musical experience we here underpin its role as a conduit for narrative discussion, as social pedagogy and affective mobilization. Lastly, on the basis of the prior reflection on art and politics, we analyze the different political and artistic practices of these singer- songwriters in their participation in the Chilean revolutionary process, whilst also highlighting the internal tensions involving political positions, and the levels of radicality in this praxis.

Externo à Instituição - CAIO DE SOUZA GOMES
Presidente - 1676337 - LILIA GONCALVES MAGALHAES
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2022 17:53
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