Banca de DEFESA: Alexsandra Maria de Almeida Soares

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Alexsandra Maria de Almeida Soares
DATE: 28/10/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: videoconferência

Transition of the electric matrix in Brazil: advances and obstacles in the expansion of Solar Energy


Energy Security; Decentralization; Decarbonization; SDGs; Distributed Generation.

PAGES: 152
AREA: Ciências Ambientais

The centralization and low diversification of the Brazilian electricity matrix has increased the feeling of energy insecurity in the country throughout history. This problem has even greater proportions when it suffers interference from global climate change. The strong dependence on hydric sources, for example, is a worrisome factor when faced with changes in hydric regimes and periods of low rainfall, which naturally triggers emergency measures for the supply of electricity to the Brazilian population. In this sense, the study sought to answer three main questions: i) what are the country's investments for energy security; ii) what are the possibilities for the decarbonization of the Brazilian electric matrix; and iii) why the solar source hasn’t reached its potential in Brazil. The methodology used to understand these questions was a survey of bibliographies and documentary research on the subject, including interviews, public positions, promoted lives and publications in the press about the advances of distributed generation and solar energy in the country. The results indicated that, despite the great potential for development of the source in the country, and the international commitments signed for sustainable development, Brazil still doesn’t have a clear plan for this expansion. In addition, the groups identified dispute narratives that result in a distancing from these commitments and agendas for climate and sustainable development. Furthermore, it was observed that the country doesn’t have ideal public policies to promote and encourage the potential for expansion of this source and the transition to a decarbonized economy and energy matrix in the 2030 horizon. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that a greater and more qualified energy planning is necessary in the country, so that renewable sources that operate in a decentralized manner, such as solar, can prosper and reach a greater level of protagonism.

Presidente - 2335984 - CRISTIANE GOMES BARRETO
Externo ao Programa - 3172149 - FERNANDO PAIVA SCARDUA
Externo à Instituição - LUIS FELIPE BISMARCHI
Interno - 295.695.087-87 - MARCEL BURSZTYN - PARIS 1
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/10/2022 17:21
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