Banca de DEFESA: Gabriel Ribeiro Farias

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gabriel Ribeiro Farias
DATE: 12/08/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Effects of Omega-3 (DHA) supplementation in breast cancer mice: carcinogenic parameters, metabolic and inflammatory profile


Cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer. Omega-3. DHA. Inflammation. Metabolic profile.

PAGES: 107
BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

In recent decades, the number of cancer cases has been increased every year, as has the trend in the number of deaths. Among the types of cancer, breast cancer has become the one with the highest number of diagnoses in 2021. In addition, the classic therapies used for neoplasms are generally associated with various systemic toxic effects, which compromise the well-being of patients, especially in triple-negative breast cancers. In that context, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid from the omega-3 family and is obtained significantly from fish oil, emerges as a potential molecule for the treatment of neoplasms. The consumption of adequate amounts of this lipid is related to several benefits in neurological, cardiovascular, and metabolic pathologies, as well as cancer. This compound has shown promise for its protective effects against the development of neoplasms, inhibition of tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis formation, as well as a decrease in inflammation. In addition, it has also demonstrated synergistic actions with some chemotherapy drugs, such as, decreased unwanted effects of this therapeutic approach. The action of different doses of DHA is still controversial in the literature and it is quite scarce regarding the metabolic alterations, due to supplementation, in tumors. Thus, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of omega-3 (DHA) supplementation at two different doses (500 mg/Kg and 2 g/Kg) in mice with breast cancer: carcinogenic parameters, metabolic and inflammatory profile. The results suggest that DHA has antitumor effects, reducing tumor growth, decreasing the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in white and brown adipose tissue (IL-6,TNF-a and IL-33), in blood plasma (1L1b) and in the tumor (IL-6), as well as was able to reduce the level of cytokines that act in the immune evasion process of the tumor (TGF-b), but without significant changes in tumor metabolism at the high dose. This was not the case with the low dose, which showed an increase in cytokines (IL-6, IL-33, and TGF-b) and did not slow tumor growth. The high dose in the animals without tumor, led to a reduction in serum triglyceride levels, an increase in some pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-33) in the adipose tissues and a reduction in TGF-b in the breast, as well as a metabolic modulation with an increase in oleic acid and vaccenic acid in the breast tissue, which have antitumor and protective actions against the development of breast cancer. In contrast, the low dose led to a decrease in these fatty acids. Both doses showed no systemic toxicity, as well as no liver or kidney damage. Thus, this work characterized the impact of DHA supplementation at two different doses on carcinogenic, inflammatory and metabolic parameters, in which the differential role of the doses was evident, and the antitumor role of the high dose was manifest. In addition, the metabolic profile of the mammary tissue showed significant differences in response to the doses of DHA, in which an increase in fatty acids that can act against tumor development, such as oleic and vaccenic acids, was observed.

Externa à Instituição - ALINE MARIA ARAUJO MARTINS
Presidente - 2862542 - KELLY GRACE MAGALHAES
Externa ao Programa - 2564849 - NATHALIA MARCOLINI PELUCIO PIZATO
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/08/2022 09:10
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