PPG ECL PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ECOLOGIA DEPTO ECOLOGIA Téléphone/Extension: Indisponible https://www.unb.br/pos-graduacao

Banca de DEFESA: Lais Pio Caetano Machado

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Lais Pio Caetano Machado
DATE: 26/08/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: a definir

"Extinction risk and demography of a viviparous Neotropical lizard".


climate change; deforestation; fire regime; geographic distribution; habitat suitability; population.

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Ecologia

Resumo da dissertação em inglês Geographic distribution and demography are among the main aspects of species conservation and depend on the environmental requirements and tolerances of organisms. Environmental change agents, such as climate change and fire, affect animals directly and indirectly, through their reflection on the vegetation structure and, consequently, in the reduction of the quality of the habitat. Thus, the present study aimed to estimate the effect of climate change and different burning regimes on the geographic distribution and demography of the viviparous Neotropical lizard Notomabuya frenata. In the first chapter, we investigated the effect of climate changes on the geographic distribution of this species. For this, we use environmental and physiological variables (locomotor performance and hours of activity) to predict areas of habitat suitability in the present and in the future, considering different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation. The most critical predictors of habitat suitability were: isothermality precipitation during winter, and hours of activity under lower thermal extremes. Furthermore, our models predict a contraction of habitat suitability areas in all future scenarios and the displacement of these areas to eastern South America. Moreover, there is low effectiveness of protected areas in conserving places with suitable habitat for this species. In the second chapter, we investigated the long-term effects of precipitation and different burning regimes on the population dynamics of this species. For this, we carried out a fifteen-year mark-recapture study in five cerrado sensu stricto plots subjected to different burning regimes and built Cormack-Jolly-Seber demographic models. Our results indicated that the life cycle of N. frenata is longer than one year, with overlapping generations. In addition, fire regimes did not represent a determining factor in the age structure of this population, which was mainly influenced by seasonality and insolation. However, demographic models indicated that intermediate to intense fire regimes impair the probability of recapture of the species. Precipitation positively influenced survival of the species and negatively influenced its capture. Our findings highlight the vulnerability of tropical and viviparous ectotherms to changes in climate and increased fire intensity, highlighting the need for decision-makers to consider the impact on animals when creating protected areas and planning fire management.

Externa à Instituição - TIANA KOHLSDORF - USP
Presidente - 1123181 - GUARINO RINALDI COLLI
Interno - 1143936 - MIGUEL ANGELO MARINI
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/08/2022 10:17
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