Banca de DEFESA: Isabella Monteiro Gomes da Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Isabella Monteiro Gomes da Silva
DATE: 23/08/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Teams

"Comparison between two methods of incubation of cryopreserved and xenotransplanted cat ovarian tissue in erythropoietin"


EPO, slow freezing, follicle survival, ovary revascularization.

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

The majority of felines are threatened with extinction. Thus, the creation of cryobanks is necessary, which highlights the importance of efficient cryopreservation and xenotransplantation protocols for in vitro embryo production. However, both cryopreservation and the ischemia/reperfusion period are still a challenge, because they trigger a massive follicular loss. Erythropoietin (EPO) can be used to reduce those injuries and preserve follicles due to its angiogenic, anti-apoptotic, and antioxidant effects. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of cat ovarian tissue incubation in EPO before or after cryopreservation. Ovaries received from a veterinary clinic were segmented and randomly divided into groups: EPO+CRYO (incubated in EPO and cryopreserved immediately after), CRYO+EPO (cryopreserved, thawed, then incubated in EPO), in which incubation was performed in MEM and 100 IU of EPO for 2 hours at 37°C (either before or after cryopreservation), and group CRIO, in which fragments were only cryopreserved. Thawed tissue from the three groups were xenotransplanted into subcutaneous dorsal tissue of nude Swiss (nu/nu) mice and retrieved 7, 14, 21 and 28 after surgery. Histological and histochemistry analyses were performed for follicle counting, classification, and the measurement of fibrotic areas, and immunohistochemistry assays were performed to investigate the presence of new vessels and proliferative follicles. EPO proved to be effective for follicle survival when used after cryopreservation and showed an increase in the number of blood vessels in the EPO+CRIO group 21 days after transplantation. Therefore, EPO showed beneficial effects, but future studies are necessary to further examine the effectiveness and optimize the protocols presented.

Interna - 1677467 - DANIELA MARA DE OLIVEIRA
Presidente - 3263789 - FERNANDA PAULINI
Interna - 2220195 - MONICA PEREIRA GARCIA
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/07/2022 14:08
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