Literacy practices in teaching emergency remote: a school coexistence.
Remote Teaching; Portuguese Language Teaching; Multimodality; literacies
In this study, I observed the online classes of one classe of the first year of high school at a public school in São Sebastião, in the Federal District. I aimed to understand the literacy practices carried out in Emergency Remote Teaching between the years 2020 and 2021, as well as the multiliteracies that organize such practices, in addition, I carried out a survey of the greatest difficulties listed by research participants during the experience of the online school. For that, virtual ethnography was used, which studies social/educational practices on the internet and over the internet (HINE, 2003). Based on data generation/collection tools for the logbook, the result of the researcher's ethnographic observation, interviews with the collaborating teacher, a form to access the students' experiences. We have that the multimodal texts gained a greater proportion, both in the creation and in the placement/sharing in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, since many of the educational and social practices started to be carried out via the internet. Thus, digital technologies and tools facilitate the creation and consumption of these texts (BILL, KALANTZIS & COPE, 2020), which requires new forms of literacies for these times. Regarding the greatest challenges and possibilities of Remote Emergency Teaching, students report difficulties in accessing essential goods for online study, such as better quality internet, smartphones and computers in good condition. This factor, structuring the digital divide that makes it difficult for impoverished people to access the internet and the means to use it, directly contributes to the deepening of educational and social inequalities (MONTEIRO, 2021). The collaborating teacher reports, in turn, an increase in working hours with negative effects on her health. While the researcher reports an overload between mothering and research.