Banca de DEFESA: Kelly Cristina Nunes de Oliveira

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Kelly Cristina Nunes de Oliveira
DATE: 08/11/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Online

Time and causality in the instantiation of the macrogenre "History textbook chapter" about the Brazilian redemocratization process


Systemic-Functional Linguistics. Macrogenre. Textbook. History. Causality. Time.

PAGES: 342
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística

In this thesis, the historical discourse is based on the understanding that the transmission of knowledge about the past transcends the family space, popular culture, and is established in institutional spaces such as schools. In this context, the teaching of history takes place through public discourses, most of which are socially legitimized, characterizing a synthesis of guidelines on the relevance and motivations behind the selection of historical facts and events that make up the school curriculum and must be represented or recontextualized in the textbook. It explores the discursive representation of history in textbooks for the 3rd year of high school, which were part of the 2018 PNLD, 2018-2020 triennium, by analyzing the textual genres referring to the time frame of redemocratization in Brazil, present in the composition of the 'textbook chapter' - a macrogenre. Its theoretical scope is based on the interweaving of studies derived from Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1985; HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004,2014) and other theoretical contributions from the socalled Genre Pedagogy, proposed by the Sydney School (EGGINS; MARTIN, 1992, 1999, 2002a, 2002b, 2004; EGGINS, 2004; SCHLLEPPEGRELLI, 2004 COFFIN, 2006; MARTIN & ROSE, 2008; ROSE & MARTIN, 2012, 2018; CHRISTIE & DERIWANKA, 2010), which anchor the concept of context of situation and culture to describe the variables of Register of texts and linguistic categories of the sentence, especially the lexico-grammar carried out at the sentence level. Guided by this theoretical approach and other conceptions related to the history textbook, the macro-analysis considered two perspectives: i. deconstruction of the "history textbook chapter" macrogenre in order to understand how the structure of these textbooks, conforming to the PNLD guidelines, contemplated historiographical knowledge and how textual genres were distributed to create meanings in school historical discourse; ii. investigation into generic formation in univariate or multivariate structure in the process of genre complexification. After this, 20 texts were selected which were representative of the genres instantiated in the composition of the macrogenre and then the register variables - field, relations and mode - of the texts selected for the composition of the corpus were described and analyzed. The microanalysis stage focused on the exploration of lexical-grammatical resources associated with the composition of temporality and causality in History genres. The analysis carried out led to the finding that the "textbook chapter" macrogenre is mostly composed of a univariate structure, in which the elementary genres form a linear sequence for the exploration of historical knowledge recontextualized through explanatory historical recounts, followed by historical accounts, expositions and descriptive reports, with their instantiation being associated with the description of Things, the sequence of activities or the expression of opinions. In terms of lexicalgrammatical elements, it was noted the existence of causality through resources other than the Connexion System, such as grammatical metaphors, nominalizations and causal processes; temporal notions are mainly presented in a thematic position through simplex clauses or Circumstances. In general, the linguistic elements are associated with the textual genres instanced, but the complexity of their structuring requires pedagogical articulation between the actors involved and the unveiling of semiotic strategies relating to the role of language in the construction of didactic historical discourse, in a school context, for the implementacion on of historical literacy.

Externa à Instituição - CRISTIANE FUZER - UFSM
Presidente - 2173523 - EDNA CRISTINA MUNIZ DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - Glaucia Cristina Maia Réga Serra - CMB
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/09/2023 11:23
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