Banca de DEFESA: Rosyanne Louise Autran Lourenço

Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rosyanne Louise Autran Lourenço
DATE: 05/04/2023
TIME: 14:00

RESUMO MIRROR, MY MIRROR, WHAT KIND OF READER AM I? Axiological aspects of a competent reader's emerging identity fractal, from the hermeneutic and ecotransdisciplinary-phenomenological-complex perspectives


Transdisciplinarity. Complexity. Fractalized identity. Competent reader. Teacher training.

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística

The research reported in this thesis aims to analyze under the ecotransdisciplinaryphenomenological-complex prism the conformation and axiological characterization of a fractalized identity emerging profile from a competent reader, based on ecologized linguistic metaphors, elaborated by beginner teachers in Spanish Letters, from a public institution of higher education, in the Midwest region of Brazil. Above all, its relevance is justified due to the scarcity of studies about the processes involving the student-reader in the Brazilian national academic scope at a higher level (LEFFA, 2016), among which I highlight that of his identity conformation as a competent reader. The fundamental theoretical contributions pertinent to the area of Applied Linguistics guiding this work refer to the fields of Transdisciplinarity (MORIN, 1977; NICOLESCU, 1999, 2009); Complexity (LARSEN-FREEMAN; CAMERON, 2008; LEFFA, 2009; PAIVA, 2005, 2014, 2016); the Ecology of human development (BRONFENBRENNER, 1979) and the phenomena related to language (VAN LIER, 2000, 2010; VASCONCELLOS, 2006); Phenomenology (BICUDO, 1999, 2000, 2011) and the Complex HermeneuticPhenomenological Approach (FREIRE, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017). I also use the construct of identity (HALL, 2003) in the context of teacher training (DE COSTA; NORTON, 2017; WALLER; WETHERS; DE COSTA, 2016) and reading (BERNSTEIN, 2014), associating it with the conception of self (BÜTZ, 1992; DESCHAMPS; MOLINER, 2014) of the complex subject (MORIN, 1998, 2003). Regarding the act of valuation, my line of thought is based on the studies of Bakhtin (2011), Jesinghaus (1984), and Voloshinov (2017), as well as the precepts of Morente (2006) and Pedro (2014), concerning the constitutive polarities of the interrelationship between the notions of indifference and non-indifference towards well-reading. In the context of linguistic metaphors, I start from the meaning of its complex nature and ecocognitive principles of the human mind (CAMERON, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c; DUQUE, 2016, 2017, 2018; KÖVECSES, 2010; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1980). Methodologically it’s a qualitative investigation which presents an ethnographic nature (CHIZOTTI, 2006; MOITA LOPES, 1994) and relies on the use of five data generation instruments: (a) participant observation (DEWALT; DEWALT, 1998, 2011; KAWULICH, 2005); (b) field notes (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1998; DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006); (c) semi-structured interviews (COHEN; MANION; MORRISON, 2005; ROSA; ARNOLDI, 2006); (d) written verbal narratives (CLANDININ, 2006; PAIVA, 2008, 2019), in the scope of the memorial reading modality (ABRAHÃO, 2011; POLLAK, 1992) and (e) focus group (GATTI, 2005; POWELL;SINGLE, 1996). The analysis of empirical datawas supported by the crystallization method (ELLINGSON, 2008; RICHARDSON; ST. PIERRE, 2005). In the light of the conception of the I-reader as the Third included, the results achieved suggest the characterization of a fractalized identity profile of a competent reader, based on distinct complementary value confluences, underlying his self-heteroeco-configuration raising the perception of its constitutive multidimensionality and multireferentiality. Thus, I suggest its comprehension from a broader view which goes beyond the notion of competence as a simple identity value given the non-disjunctive contemplation of different axiological perspectives of reality that characterize the emergence of the fractalized reader identity. This thesis proposes a new perspective of observation and analysis of the aforementioned phenomenon, due to the relevance of its idiosyncratic nature in the processes of self-perception and the academic-professional qualification of the social actors involved.

Externo à Instituição - RODRIGO CAMARGO ARAGÃO - UESC
Interno - 1185444 - ABDELHAK RAZKY
Presidente - 1035053 - MARINEY PEREIRA CONCEICAO
Externo à Instituição - WALKYRIA MARIA MONTE MOR - USP
Externo ao Programa - 3298611 - YUKI MUKAI
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/03/2023 10:27
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