The traits of craft genre production: a (new) look on textuality factors in the light of metageneric competence
official letter, discursive genres, metagenetic competence.
This study aims to analyze the writing of official documents by the staff of the University of Brasília (UnB) based on the social practice of creating this discursive genre in the workplace. This activity will be related to the metagenre competence proposed by Koch (2021). Simultaneously, it is intended to identify if the production of official documents is guided by Official Writing manuals, specifically the "Manual de Redação da Presidência da República" (2018) and the "Normas para padronização de documentos da UnB" (2011). The definitions and guidelines contained in these manuals will be associated with the textuality factors proposed by Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) and by Koch (2021) with the aim of proposing specific textuality factors for the official document, based on the social practice of UnB staff. In the methodology, models of official documents available in these manuals were selected, as well as the conduct of interviews with the professionals responsible for this writing at the University. Analytically, it is observed that these manuals focus on formal properties of the genre and that writing practice differs due to metagenre competence, even though there is a tendency towards standardization and formality. As research outcomes, it aims to contribute to a more scientific and less normative understanding of the official document genre, given its recurring use in the professional context.