Banca de DEFESA: Gustavo Linardi Tavora

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Gustavo Linardi Tavora
DATE: 26/03/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência



EJA. Fungi. Investigative Didactic Sequence (SDI).

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

The present work falls within Mycology, an area of Biology that studies fungi, a topic studied in the context of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). This master's degree work had as its main objective, to develop a proposal for an investigative didactic sequence (SDI), to work on teaching Microbiology with a focus on environmental and pathogenic fungi in the context of youth and adult education (EJA), combining theory and practical and respecting the social and economic reality of this specific group of students. Methodological strategies were used that had a positive impact on the student's life. The research was carried out at the Centro Educacional 02 do Riacho Fundo I / DF (CED 02 RFI), a public school, located in the administrative region of Riacho Fundo I / DF. It serves young and adult audiences, during the night shift, covering the three segments of basic education (1st, 2nd and 3rd EJA Segments). The research involved approximately 15 participants, made up of a very heterogeneous audience in terms of age and who, for a variety of reasons, did not complete or attend regular education at the right age. The questionnaire entitled “ASSESSMENT OF MOTIVATION AND PERCEPTION OF LEARNING IN BIOLOGY CLASSES BASED ON RESEARCH TEACHING”, was administered at the end of the SDI, in the 5th. Moment, individually and spontaneously, after signing the consent form, with the objective of qualitatively evaluating whether there were changes in the students' perception of the topic of fungi and their importance, as well as evaluating the methodology applied by the teacher. The results achieved highlighted the potential of the Didactic Sequence (SD) in the reconstruction of meanings by students. The evaluation was conducted continuously, with emphasis on monitoring student involvement throughout the SD process, with an emphasis on evaluating participatory activities. After applying the questionnaire, after the didactic sequence, 100% of the students interviewed highlighted positive aspects of fungi in nature and industry, and 100% of the students interviewed highlighted positive aspects in the dynamics of classes, highlighting the importance of experimentation, contextualization of activities with your daily life. After the end of the investigative didactic sequence (SDI), the researcher noticed a significant improvement on the part of the students in their perception of the concept and importance of fungi as essential organisms in maintaining ecological balance, as agents of decomposition of organic matter, in addition to its importance in the food, biotechnology and medical industries, as causes of important diseases in animals and plants. In conclusion, the results obtained after applying SDI point to a more effective and engaging teaching approach, especially for adult EJA students. The investigative approach allowed students to develop a deeper understanding of fungi, their importance and applications. Furthermore, this methodology emphasized the student's protagonism, encouraging them to seek knowledge autonomously.

Interna - 3695661 - ALICE MELO RIBEIRO
Interna - 2208894 - ELIDA GERALDA CAMPOS
Presidente - 1207115 - ILDINETE SILVA PEREIRA
Externa à Instituição - MICHELLE GUITTON COTTA - UDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/03/2024 14:22
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