Banca de DEFESA: Marcos Bruno Reis da Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Marcos Bruno Reis da Silva
DATE: 29/08/2024
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Meio virtual

The diverse universe of plants taught with active methodologies and ICT


botanical blindness, plant diversity, didactic sequence, didactic games, botanical imperception, ICT.

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

Plants are essential organisms for life on Earth as we know it today. Its importance is seen in the planet's biogeochemical cycles, in human and other animal nutrition, in temperature balance, in phytotherapy and much more. However, most of society does not attribute due value to these forms of life. The so-called botanical imperception (blindness) has caused many negative impacts on Brazilian society, as it has been an obstacle to giving due importance to these photosynthetic beings. The use of active methodologies associated with information and communication technology (ICT) can capture the attention and interest of students, being a good strategy for providing information and knowledge about these incredible beings. That said, the present research aimed to spread knowledge associated with the diverse universe of plants, aiming to reinforce botanical imperception through active, investigative teaching sequences and the use of ICT. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee and consisted of the preparation of original teaching material, followed by its application and evaluation by the students. As a result, a digital guide was obtained in ebook format containing dynamic and playful activities, aiming to stimulate students' interest in subjects relating to the morphology and classification of plants. Investigative and experimental activities were designed in order to encourage students to be builders of their learning, valuing student protagonism. Within an investigative didactic sequence, an online directed study, an online crossword, both prepared using the Hot Potatoes software, were applied, as well as an online game prepared on the Wordwall website. The methodology was evaluated using an online questionnaire, which was administered to the students at the end of the project. It is inferred that the use of active methodologies and ICT, in addition to optimizing time and understanding of Botany, can also encourage students to get involved in the process of knowledge construction, arousing their interest, enabling them to reflect on teaching in which they are inserted and exercise their leading role.

Externo à Instituição - BRUNO EDSON CHAVES - UECE
Presidente - 1549282 - SUELI MARIA GOMES
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/08/2024 10:07
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