Banca de DEFESA: Ailla de Oliveira Motta

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ailla de Oliveira Motta
DATE: 30/08/2022
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Research and proposal of human genetics teaching resource for high school


Human genetics, teaching, contextualization, teaching resource

PAGES: 108
BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

Human Genetics is an area that arouses the interest of students and brings scientific knowledge closer to the everyday reality of the society. However, the literature in the area points out that the teaching of Human Genetics presents many difficulties and inadequacies, mainly in the examples discussed in textbooks, as well as difficulties in the didactic transposition by the teachers’ parts.The objectives of this work were to carry out a survey, selection and analysis of didactic materials that address Human Genetics, published in the magazine Genetics at school and to propose a didactic resource that allows integrating the teaching of Human Genetics in an interactive, dynamic and contextualized way. The results found allowed the elaboration of an overview based on the analysis of 84 articles, from 2015 to 2022. The following data were systematized: title, edition, journal section, institution, author and category in which each article is inserted . The journal sections with the highest number of publications were Um gene e material didático, with 21 publications in each section. The institution with the highest number of publications was the University of São Paulo (27%). Most (48%) of the articles present graduate students as first authors. Regarding the content, the articles were divided into six categories based on the analysis of the title and abstract, namely: New knowledge, Monogenic Inheritance, New Tool for Teaching, Genetics and Society, Uniparental Inheritance and Multifactorial Inheritance. The categories New Tool for Teaching and Genetics and Society represent 45% of publications, which reflects a change in methodologies and pedagogical approaches proposed for teaching and consolidating Human Genetics learning in Basic Education. From the general panorama, a selection of 10 articles was carried out, which could compose a new didactic resource for the teaching of the subject. The articles were read in their entirety and analyzed as to their adequacy to the objectives, competencies and skills contained in the National Common Curriculum Base and the Moving Curriculum of the New High School. Based on the adequacy of the articles to the Brazilian Basic Education guidelines, the game Family without Memory - Investigating the Kinship Relationship was developed based on the approach of Teaching by Investigation. The game Family without Memory - Investigating the Relationship of Kinship, as a didactic resource, allows to integrate the knowledge of different phenotypic characteristics that must be analyzed and interpreted to solve the game. The game is organized in stages, which allows the teacher to apply different strategies throughout the process, allowing participatory learning led by students.

Interna - 1207115 - ILDINETE SILVA PEREIRA
Interna - 404551 - SILENE DE PAULINO LOZZI
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/08/2022 11:29
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