Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Janaina Mota de Oliveira

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Janaina Mota de Oliveira
DATE: 25/05/2023
TIME: 11:00
LOCAL: Microsoft Teams

"Use of the problematization methodology in the teaching and learning of the male reproductive system in high school."


Teaching of Biology. Teaching by Research. Problematization Methodology.

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

Teaching Biology has many challenges, one of which is the way it has traditionally been offered, with students in a passive position in the teaching and learning process and memorizing content, which is extensive, complex, and often unrelated to the reality of students. The investigative teaching approach proposes an inversion of this logic, with students being invited to participate in the construction of knowledge. In this work, through an investigative approach, we propose the elaboration, application and evaluation of didactic sequences about the male reproductive system using the methodology of problematization. The students' motivation with the application of the sequences will be evaluated by a questionnaire adapted to a validated perception scale, with the data submitted to descriptive statistical analysis. Content analysis of students' discursive responses in the activities of the sequences will also be carried out, as well as criticisms and suggestions that will contribute to its improvement. It is expected to encourage the protagonism of students in the construction of knowledge that dialogues with their reality.

Externa à Instituição - CAMILA REGINA DO VALE - IFB-GO
Interna - 3695661 - ALICE MELO RIBEIRO
Interna - 1194770 - NILDA MARIA DINIZ ROJAS
Presidente - 404551 - SILENE DE PAULINO LOZZI
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/05/2023 12:39
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