Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Silvia Eleticia Diniz Rodolfo

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Silvia Eleticia Diniz Rodolfo
DATE: 23/05/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Microsoft Teams

"A guide to morpho-physiological aspects of the cardiovascular system not covered in textbooks."


Investigative Teaching. Methodology of problematization. Morphophysiology of the Cardiovascular System

BIG AREA: Ciências Biológicas
AREA: Biologia Geral

In a historical context, the teaching of Biology has faced several challenges in relation to the methodologies applied. It is known that the study of biological processes and phenomena is mostly approached in a fragmented way, considered inefficient from the educational point of view. This problem in the teaching and learning process may result from the lack of a methodology that stimulates problem solving, from the observation of events, to reflection and discussion of the processes involved, which hinders meaningful learning. With this in mind, we propose the production of a guide containing didactic sequences about morpho-physiological processes, with emphasis on the human cardiovascular system. This proposal aims, through an investigative approach, to the realization and development of investigative tasks that foster "the motivation and stimulus to reflect, discuss, explain and report", which characterizes a scientific investigation TRIVELATO (2015, p. 103), valuing critical thinking, autonomy and student protagonism. In this approach, we used the problematization methodology, which according to BEBEL (1998) should provide elements for problem solving in a critical and creative way, and is used in conjunction with investigative teaching, in order to allow the construction of concepts from its relationship with the individual's existing knowledge. The sequences were applied to a 2nd grade class at EEMTI José Valdo Ribeiro Ramos Full Time High School. The proposed activities included dynamics, reading adapted texts, and access to videos. For the teachers, the proposed guide enables the applicability of an investigative activity with a view to applying the content learned in the student's context. Criticism and suggestions to the proposed activities will be submitted to content analysis and the learning motivation will be evaluated through a questionnaire adapted from the publication of a validated scale of perception of motivation.

Presidente - 404551 - SILENE DE PAULINO LOZZI
Interna - 3695661 - ALICE MELO RIBEIRO
Interno - 2733012 - JOSE EDUARDO BARONEZA
Externa à Instituição - INEZ REPTTON DIAS - UFU
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/05/2023 15:57
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