Banca de DEFESA: Ana Carolina Magalhães Antonini

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Carolina Magalhães Antonini
DATE: 27/03/2023
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Remoto/ Videoconferência

Creation of an extension course with emphasis on the role of environmental education in promoting good practices for healthcare waste management


Healthcare Waste, Extension course, Environmental education

PAGES: 145
AREA: Ciências Ambientais

Although there are important regulations regarding healthcare waste management, it is necessary to integrate policies with education in the development of cross-cutting work. Seeking to highlight the importance of environmental education in this context, this research was based on the provision of an extension course to monitor the learning development of undergraduate and technical students in the health and related fields, as a tool to discuss, through qualitative research, the importance of environmental education in the implementation of good management, handling, and disposal practices of healthcare waste, in the development and awareness of the general population, aiming to reduce risks and promote practices such as reverse logistics of medicines. The course, promoted by the University of Brasília through the Dean's office for Extension (DEX/UnB), was based on methods that include the use of technology for the teaching-learning process, favoring autonomy and student participation through distance learning, with the use of the Teams Platform. It was concluded that the implementation of the course was essential for the integration of environmental education into the training and professional practice of students. Although the course was valid in incorporating an issue associated with environmental awareness in the face of a human health problem, adjustments are necessary to improve the dynamics of the course, the format of classes, synchronous moments, and interactions. However, the course allowed for improvements in learning, environmental care, and consequently, in the improvement of risk reduction in health, relating content and public health reality with the opportunity for new discoveries, moments of information, and awareness.

Presidente - 1747768 - FERNANDO FABRIZ SODRE
Externo ao Programa - 2211607 - PEDRO HENRIQUE ZUCHI DA CONCEICAO
Externa ao Programa - 1816614 - VALERIA REGINA BELLOTTO
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/03/2023 15:29
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