Banca de DEFESA: Régia Cristina Marra

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Régia Cristina Marra
DATE: 21/12/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Remoto/Videoconferência

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ON WATER RESOURCES: integrative practices in high school and contribution to reflection on local reality – Combined Agro Urbano de Brasília/ Distrito Federal


High School; Agenda 2030; Dynamic practices; Interdisciplinarity; Water resources.

PAGES: 135
AREA: Ciências Ambientais

This master's thesis addresses pedagogical practices in brazilian formal education and the lack of connection between theoretical knowledge and the learner's reality. Since interdisciplinarity depends on practical actions and interaction of the subjects involved, with their contextualized realities, this study proposes an "eco-pedagogical" praxis that uses the water theme as an articulator of knowledge, including popular knowledge, aesthetic perception and symbolic expressions. The theme "soil use and cover and water quality" is used as a learning object, applied in the disciplines of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Language in high school. This work took a quantitative and qualitative approach, using direct observation and structured activities at the Arco de Maguerez that culminated in an educational product: a support booklet for teachers and coordinators – “Environmental impacts on water resources: Streamlining the Teaching of Environmental Sciences in Teaching Medium based on the 2030 Agenda and the local reality” which was validated using research questionnaires approved by the National Research Ethics Committee. The study area is composed of the sources of Capão Preto and Ipê and the courses of the Coqueiros stream that occur in the limits of an Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE) of Granja do Ipê – CAUB I/DF. The monitoring of water quality and proposed activities was carried out by students and teachers from different semesters of high school at CEd Agrourbano Ipê - DF. In this sense, the interdisciplinary work on water quality in the hydrographic basin under study proved to be an opportunity to streamline pedagogical practices, in addition to providing greater knowledge of the place where students live and the interconnection between different areas of knowledge. The students' participation in this study made it possible to advance their understanding of the local reality and its relationship with water quality and the use and occupation of land in the region. Environmental education is essential to educate citizens who are aware and engaged in preserving the environment, and interdisciplinary teaching is an important tool to achieve this goal. Through this work, it was possible to define areas that need recovery actions and investments in sustainable production systems and soil conservation, contributing to the preservation of the Hydrographic Basin and to the elaboration of public policies in this area.

Presidente - 1732336 - TATI DE ALMEIDA
Interna - 1653424 - ANETE MARIA DE OLIVEIRA
Externa à Instituição - JOSELISA MARIA CHAVES - UEFS
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/12/2023 10:25
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