Banca de DEFESA: Klévia de Oliveira Leal Fernandes de Lima

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Klévia de Oliveira Leal Fernandes de Lima
DATE: 02/02/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Universidade de Brasília

COLLABORATIVE THEATRE IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC: Scenic creation and the development of artistic potentials in gifted students.


Collaborative Theater, High Abilities or Giftedness, Collaborative Learning

PAGES: 153
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes
SUBÁREA: Educação Artística

High Abilities or Giftedness is a theme of growing interest in school environments, especially due to the search for more assertive ways to identify and meet the special educational needs of students. With regard to aesthetic learning in the Early Years of Elementary School, the recognition of outstanding potential is hampered due to the absence of a teacher trained in Art and teaching-learning processes focused on artistic multilingualism. In this perspective, this research aims to analyze the contribution of dramaturgical and scenic creation from a collaborative process for the identification and development of aesthetic potentials in students with high abilities or giftedness (AHSD), indicated to Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE). This is a qualitative, exploratory study with an action-research design, based on the principles of Collaborative Theater. The investigation had the participation of 30 (thirty) students aged between 6 and 11 years, with indications of High Abilities and/or Giftedness for assistance in the academic area and artistic talent. The methodological interventions for the apprehension of scenic concepts (dramaturgy, actor, spectator, scenic space, costumes, scenery) were carried out in collaborative creations experienced in two cases, the first being in remote teaching, mediated by technologies, due to the restriction of classes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and second in the face-to-face teaching model in an AHSD resource room in a public school in the Federal District. The results point to the importance of the teacher's close observation of the students' interests and individual characteristics and the implementation of a pedagogical practice that promotes an environment rich in experimentation in artistic multilingualism so that talents are evidenced and properly monitored. The research data, based on the process of collaborative theatrical creation, is expected to contribute to minimizing gaps in the identification of characteristics and behaviors of giftedness in students in the early years of Elementary School, in relation to aesthetic potentials and learning in artistic multilingualism. 

Presidente - 1295798 - ANDRE LUIS GOMES
Externo à Instituição - FABIO TRAVASSOS DE ARAUJO
Externa ao Programa - 1198789 - LUCIANA HARTMANN
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/12/2022 16:40
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