Banca de DEFESA: Rildo Frederico Ferreira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rildo Frederico Ferreira
DATE: 19/05/2023
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Remoto - Plataforma Teams

Pedagogical possibilities with Capoeira in Art classes


Capoeira. Embodiment. Art Education. Traditional Culture

PAGES: 176
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes
SUBÁREA: Educação Artística

Pedagogical possibilities with capoeira in art classes in Elementary School, addresses the contribution of this secular artistic-cultural manifestation as a collaborator in the teaching and understanding of the body and art in primary schools. In a bibliographical review, themes related to history, physical, cognitive and socio-emotional benefits, as well as personal experience were sought to present a capable and efficient proposal for the dissemination of the intrinsic values of Capoeira. In this sense, practical activities were developed in the school space through the triangular methodology in order to present the fundamentals of Capoeira, its historicity, musicality and body movements. It is not intended that students be formed in Capoeira through this educational experience, it is primarily sought to value the cultural diversity of Brazil, of which this cultural expression remains through the centuries as a symbol of resistance, evidencing its relevance for the formation of the Brazilian people. and compliance with Law 10.639/2003.

Presidente - 1807498 - JONAS DE LIMA SALES
Externo ao Programa - 3281384 - JOSE JACKSON SILVA
Interna - 014.897.525-95 - LARISSA FERREIRA REGIS BARBOSA - IFB
Externa à Instituição - TEODORA DE ARAUJO ALVES - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/04/2023 11:53
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