Banca de DEFESA: Docimar de Jesus Felisbino

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Docimar de Jesus Felisbino
DATE: 29/05/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala de Atos - FE-01

Trans voices in education: public policies, school experiences and languages


Public Educational Policies; Teachers; Trans-transvestite; Pajuba

PAGES: 200
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

When analyzing gaps in Brazilian public educational policies for the trans population, it was pertinent to understand the characteristics of current policies to formulate effective guidelines that cover this social group. Furthermore, before the insertion of these policies in the classroom, it is important to know the experiences of trans-transvestite teachers and students capable of tracing paths to provide opportunities for the insertion of these professionals and students to the point that this population increasingly occupies more school spaces. In view of this, for education professionals to be prepared and oriented towards the perspective of a liberating education, they need to recognize that the cis heteropatriarchal perspective is oppressive and tends to exclude people who do not follow its premises. When it happens within educational institutions, this recognition has the potential to facilitate and support the trans-transvestite community in reaching higher levels of educational training. With this idea in mind, acquiring information about the experiences lived by the gender dissident community can enrich the historical understanding of those who explore them and reveal unique characteristics that help to understand the culture of this social group, their way of communicating and their different linguistic variations. , like pajubá. Within this context, it is feasible to train education professionals with knowledge about these languages, to provide confidence to transsexuals and transvestites on their journeys. Furthermore, when considering theoretical studies and documents, it was possible to carry out qualitative research and address policies, language, culture, based on interviews, document analysis based on participant observation. Covering this entire approach provided the research with a deeper understanding of the reality of students leaving school and trans-transvestite teachers, which made it possible to find gaps in educational policies that harm these individuals. From this point on, we seek to find ways to accelerate the adoption of effective educational methods to fill these gaps

Presidente - 2662431 - EDUARDO DI DEUS
Externa à Instituição - JAQUELINE GOMES DE JESUS - IFRJ
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/05/2024 17:08
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