Banca de DEFESA: Afonso Wescley de Medeiros Santos

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Afonso Wescley de Medeiros Santos
DATE: 25/11/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala de Atos / FE 01 - Faculdade Educação - Campus Darcy Ribeiro / Asa Norte



integrated curriculum; transition curriculum; pandemic; teaching.

PAGES: 144
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Currículo
SPECIALTY: Currículos Específicos para Níveis e Tipos de Educação

Social relations will not be the same after the pandemic caused by the proliferation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In this context, this research has as its central objective to analyze and understand how the curriculum is materializing in the resumption of face-to-face activities after the COVID-19 pandemic in a Primary Education Center in Ceilândia-DF. As a presupposition, it is advocated a possible integrated curriculum with a view to multidimensional training of students, as provided for in the "curriculum in motion" of the State Department of Education of the Federal District, with emphasis on the 3rd cycle/final years of elementary school. The research was carried out in a public school in the city of Ceilândia that serves students from the 6th to the 9th of elementary school. A literature review theoretically supported the work based on Borges (2015, 2018, 2020); Freitas (2020); Gatti (2020); Jantsch and Bianchetti (1995); Sacritán (2000); Santomé (1998), Silva (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), Silva e Silva (2021) and other authors who discuss the themes inventoried. The dissertation was based on the following guiding question: How is the materialization of the curriculum in the resumption of face-to-face activities due to suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic in a Primary School Center in Ceilândia-DF? To meet the needs demanded by the object of study, the following articulative axes were adopted: teaching during the pandemic, conceptualizing curriculum, integrated curriculum and an integrated curriculum and a curriculum of "transition" to the resumption of face-to-face activities. As a methodological path, the case study of the single type was summarized; and how procedures were adopted: the documental analysis of the curriculum in motion of the SEEDF, the pedagogical polytic proposal of the school and the curricular reorganization proposed by SEEDF in 2022, semi-structured interviews, online and printed questionnaires aimed at supervisors, coordinators and teachers were also used, and complemented by five observations of pedagogical meetings dedicated to the planning of school actions.. The research presented as main results: the lack of access of students to remote classes, indiscipline, emotional issues, lack of technological knowledge both teacher and student, the significant number of students who used only printed material, and even the evasion, infrequency and low participation and or return of activities were factors that further widened the learning gaps of students,  in particular, those in situations of greater social vulnerability and, in an attempt to minimize the enormous challenges present, we present as an alternative the donation of the integrated curriculum and the transition curriculum in the resumption of face-to-face activities. The main categories that emerged during the research were: content list, curriculum, low student participation, lack of access to the Internet and classes, indiscipline, interdisciplinary, integral education, historical-critical pedagogy, ignorance, learning gaps. To try to fill the gap evidenced in the reduced discussions of the curricular field within the school locus, we present as a technical product a proposal for a professional improvement course entitled "Curriculum: from proposed to practice", which can be offered by the school system itself and with a workload of 180 hours.

Presidente - 3056419 - FRANCISCO THIAGO SILVA
Externa ao Programa - 40921 - LIVIA FREITAS FONSECA BORGES
Externa à Instituição - Elisangela Teixeira Gomes Dias - SEEDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/11/2022 12:20
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