Banca de DEFESA: Alana Souza Lúz

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Alana Souza Lúz
DATE: 12/12/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: virtual

The Caixa Escolar in the pages of Correio Braziliense (1960-1971)


Caixa Escolar; Correio Braziliense; Federal District; Elementary Education; Funding.

PAGES: 152
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

Considering the historiographical trends and the daily newspaper Correio Braziliense as an important historical source for education in the Federal District, the following research object emerges: the 1960 to 1971 configuration of the school fund Caixa Escolar in the then-existing newly created elementary teaching system of the Distrito Federal. The aim of this work is to analyze the functioning (emergency context, financing and uses) of the Caixa Escolar in Brasília, between 1960 and 1971, that is, from the inauguration of the educational system to the enactment of the education reform through of Law nº 5692, in elementary education in the new capital. The historiographical research was developed from the keywords search in the daily newspaper for identification and further classification of the news that somehow approached the school fund in the elementary education system of Distrito Federal. The methodology included the access of copies in the Correio Brazilense through the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library of Rio de Janeiro. The investigation showed that the Caixa Escolar was naturalized in the daily life of primary schools in Brasília. Through the news it is possible to trace the emergency, different types of funding and uses that were made through this school practice. The conclusion indicates that the school fund was used to help public agencies responsible for funding poor students within the new education system in the capital. But not only, but the buildings were also benefited by the Caixa Escolar, as well as the purchase of many materials and the offer of snacks for all the students. As a technical product of the research, a mini course on the Caixa Escolar is presented, directed towards teachers of the public education network of Distrito Federal, to disseminate the findings on the historiography of local education. Two concepts are fundamental for the following discussions: that of collective representation and social practices, by Roger Chartier (2002)

Externa à Instituição - GIZELE DE SOUZA - UFPR
Externa ao Programa - 1951689 - LIEGE GEMELLI KUCHENBECKER
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/11/2022 10:55
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