Banca de DEFESA: Ana Letícia Bandeira Morais

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Ana Letícia Bandeira Morais
DATE: 09/12/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: virtual

The construction of the New Fundeb: the projects in dispute for the financing of Brazilian education


Public Policies; Financing Basic Education; New Fundeb; PEC nº 15/2015; Social Actors.

PAGES: 183
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This research is aimed to understand the construction process of the New Fundeb, within the scope of PEC nº 15/2015, focusing on the proposals presented by the main social actors active in the period, on the game of forces, on the chalenges and dificulties the influence exerted by them in the formulation of the new Fund, as well as the challenges and difficulties that permeated this historic milestone for the financing of basic education. The research, with a qualitative approach, was based in bibliographical research, which allowed building the theoretical framework of this work and subsidized the analysis of results, as well as documental research. The bibliographical reference addressed concepts, approaches, typologies of public policy and its formation cycle, aiming on, based on theoretical foundations, understanding the process of reformulation of Fundeb, besides having made a historical-normative discussion about the trajectory of the financing of public basic education until the institution of the funds policy, initiated with Fundef. The documentary research consisted of the analysis of documents produced within the scope of the Chamber of Deputies referring to PEC nº 15/2015, such as shorthand notes of public hearings, parliamentary amendments, drafts of substitutes, in addition to documents published by the main social actors showing their respective positions on the matter. The collected material was subject to content analysis, according to the technique proposed by Bardin (2016), so that the main themes discussed in the public hearings were chosen as lines of analysis. The results reveal the intense and tense debates, the existing conflicts of interests and the articulations made by the social actors to influence the PEC nº 15/2015. They are well-organized collective political subjects who adopted the presentation of technical studies and projections as their main instrument of persuasion, which supported the arguments used to defend their respective education projects. The analysis of the discussions allowed identifying a dividing line of positions in which, on the one hand, the proposals tended towards a more progressive perspective, with the defense of a considerable increase in federal resources and allocation only to public institutions, on the other hand, the conservative perspective , with privatist positions and defense of bonuses for educational performance, the agreements system and the efficient management of public revenues to increase the improvement of learning indicators without a significant increase in resources. Faced with the federal government's attempts to misrepresent the legislative proposal and the imminent risk of the end of Fundeb without a successor, some positions were changing throughout the process, in such a way that retreats in search of a consensus and in its strengthening contributed to the approval of the New Fundeb. The new Fund, created by Constitutional Amendment nº 108, of August 26, 2020, includes proposals presented by social actors, which demonstrates the strong influence exerted by them in the construction of educational politics, presents improvements in relation to the first Fundeb, but it also carries with it contradictions resulting from the capitalist agenda.

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