Banca de DEFESA: Rafael Rodrigues Tavares

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Rafael Rodrigues Tavares
DATE: 31/03/2023
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: virtual
The default of the Student Financing Fund (Fies): a study on its profile and the characteristics of income-linked loans focusing on the reforms introduced from 2017


FIES; Default; University education; loans with repayments conditioned to income; educational credit

PAGES: 102
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This course completion work aims to identify the predictive characteristics of default in the Student Financing Fund (FIES) and to simulate an income contingent loan (ECR) design for the Fund. The study is limited to student loan contracts formalized in 2017. Even this TFCC is organized in a multipaper format, consisting of an introduction, two articles, a technical product and final considerations. The study used methodology of a quantitative nature to achieve its objectives. The results indicate that historically minority groups and those from less developed regions tend to have higher default rates than the other analyzed groups. Regarding the simulation of an ECR design for these contracts formalized until 2017, a potential consideration of collection and reduction of default if effectively implemented is identified.

Presidente - 404712 - BERNARDO KIPNIS
Interna - 116.516.521-04 - ALCYONE VASCONCELOS - UnB
Interna - 2739901 - GIRLENE RIBEIRO DE JESUS
Externo à Instituição - Paulo Augusto Meyer Nascimento - IPEA
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/03/2023 09:33
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