Banca de DEFESA: Isabel Cristina Gonzaga de Oliveira Huhn

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Isabel Cristina Gonzaga de Oliveira Huhn
DATE: 21/06/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: virtual

Plenarinha and the participation of children in Early Childhood Education


Plenarinha Project; Educational public policies; Child Participation; Early Childhood Education; Childhood Studies

PAGES: 132
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This research had the general objective of analyzing the participation of children in the Plenarinha Project, as well as the challenges and possibilities that permeate this pedagogical practice, which is inserted in the Political Pedagogical Project of a Public Early Childhood Education Center in the Federal District, and had as specific objectives to verify the teachers' understanding about the Plenarinha Project; to investigate the pedagogical action related to the development of the Plenarinha Project; to identify the possibilities of children's participation related to the Plenarinha Project in an Early Childhood Education Center in the Federal District during a school semester. The methodology used relied on qualitative research with participant observation, drawings, photos, voice recording, and document analysis. The subjects involved in the research are the preschool children of a Child Education Center of the Teaching Regional of Taguatinga of the Federal District. The observations took place on alternate days, with monitoring of the children's routines, in the classroom, on the playground, and during recess. In general, it was observed that there is room for children's participation, either at times requested by them, or by the adult granted. There are also moments in which this participation is denied to them, as well as the right to be listened to. However, the research sought to demonstrate the complexity of understanding the participation of children, as well as to verify the inconsistencies in the way the plenarinha project has been developed inside the educational institution.

Externa ao Programa - 6426481 - INGRID DITTRICH WIGGERS
Externa à Instituição - KÁTIA ADAIR AGOSTINHO - UFSC
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/05/2023 11:38
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