Banca de DEFESA: Weruska Karrize Soares Coutinho Furriel

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Weruska Karrize Soares Coutinho Furriel
DATE: 28/06/2023
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Virtual

Trees talk with everything: dialogism effects on argumentative text in students's point of view.


Students High School; Ensino; Text Production; Dialogism; ENEM; Language

PAGES: 183
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

“Can't you hear me? Trees talk with everything. With their leaves, their branches, their roots. Want to see? Agreeing to Minguinho’s words, the chatty Sweet Orange Tree from the romance “My Sweet Orange Tree”, we present the aim of this work: the teaching of text production in secondary schools from Bakhtin's dialogical perspective of language. The effective use of writing skills has become an important condition for young people’s participation in the contemporary world. In Brazilian secondary education, it is common to observe in a huge emphasis in the vestibular exams, since they are a manner to access great universities around the country. Consequently, the practice of textual production, mainly the argumentative genre, gains prominence within schools. Besides, writing is an essential skill in the workplace. Focusing on the text productions requested in ENEM (National Secondary Education Exam), we see the low scores of Brazilian students in the exam. It shows us the necessity of developing student’s writing skills in the classroom. To collect the data, we designed a text production course anchored in Bakhtinian dialogism. The course was developed with a group of 19 high school students who attended regular high school class of the Federal District Secretary of Education. The data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis The results showed that written communication is a dialogical activity. In Bakhtin’s view “within the arena of almost every utterance an intensive interaction and struggle between one´s own and other’s word is being waged, a process in which they oppose and dialogical interanimate each other.” (BAKHTIN, 1981, 354-355). From this point of view, language is something more than an arrangement of language structure. It is connected to society and history. It shows us the importance of promoting text production dynamics based on dialogism

Externa à Instituição - FRANCESCA DEGLI ATTI
Interna - 2000468 - LILIANE CAMPOS MACHADO
Presidente - 2572613 - ORMEZINDA MARIA RIBEIRO
Externa ao Programa - 1190054 - ULISDETE RODRIGUES DE SOUZA RODRIGUES - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/06/2023 14:52
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