Banca de DEFESA: Paulo Henrique Seabra Bittencourt

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Paulo Henrique Seabra Bittencourt
DATE: 17/07/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual



 Fies student; Evasion in higher education; Profile of the student from FIES who evades; Reasons of FIES student for dropping;

PAGES: 119
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional
SPECIALTY: Política Educacional

The objective of this final paper was to analyze the evasion in higher education among students who used the Student Financing Fund (Fies). The meaning of evasion is the act of escaping, fleeing, abandoning; leaving, giving up; not staying somewhere. It consists of the situation of a student who, having entered higher education, at some point stops renewing the enrollment and continuing the studies, going against the purpose of the financing, which is the conclusion of the course. The research problem was to find out the reasons why students drop out of higher education, even though they use the student loan to pay for their studies. The study delimits its scope to the year 2019, due to being the year before the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil, and a comparative analysis of the dropout after the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, in Fies, can be performed later. The TFCC was organized in multipaper format, consisting of an introduction, two articles, a technical product and final considerations. To achieve the proposed objectives, in methodological terms, the TFCC, in general, is defined as a quantitative research, classified as descriptive, describing the profile of the student who evades, and qualitative, classified as analytical, analyzing the reasons for evasion for Fies students, even with funding. The results indicate that most of the students who drop out are female, between 19 and 24 years old, mixed race, single, with family income in minimum wages between one and one and a half minimum wages, without PROUNI, public high school, FGEDUC guarantee, Southeast region and São Paulo with the highest percentage, Law course, Bachelor's course type in University Centers and with a concentration area in Social Sciences, Business and Law. As for the reasons for evasion, the results found point to the four main ones for students who used Fies: financial factor as the primary factor for evasion, followed by personal problems; default on quarterly interest and problems with the bail. The results presented specific reasons for Fies students, such as insufficient academic performance, SisFies error and problems in contracting the renewal at the financial agent. Thus, it can be concluded that the primary factor for evasion with Fies students is the financial factor. As a final contribution, the study proposed the creation of an indicator for mapping the profile of students who evade, to be carried out annually, contemplating quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Presidente - ***.516.521-** - ALCYONE VASCONCELOS - UnB
Interna - ***.516.521-** - ALCYONE VASCONCELOS - UnB
Interna - 2739901 - GIRLENE RIBEIRO DE JESUS
Externa à Instituição - ANDRINE OLIVEIRA NUNES - CEUEC
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/06/2023 08:31
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