Banca de DEFESA: Maria Elena Tavares de Pinho

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Maria Elena Tavares de Pinho
DATE: 12/07/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Atos FE1

The literacy process in pandemics times: challenges, learnings and perspectives


Literacy; Pandemic Covid-19; Remote Learning/Teaching

PAGES: 116
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The present research has aimed to investigate the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in the literacy process of students in the initial literacy block of a public school of the State Secretariat of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF). Caic JK, the object of this study, is characterized as a Elementary school with multiple services: Kindergarten Education, Special Education and Elementary School (initial years). This study uses the qualitative method, with a case study approach. The instruments for data collection were the semi-structured interview and the focus group. The semi-structured interview was conducted with mothers and teachers of students who experienced the literacy process in the context of the pandemic; the focus group was conducted with 3rd year elementary school students who studied in public schools during the pandemic, and lived out the remote teaching, hybrid teaching, and the return to face-to-face teaching. Content analysis was used, and three thematic categories were defined: (a) literacy in the context of the pandemic, (b) the family in the students' literacy process, and (c) the teaching work and the new perspectives for literacy. The results found contributed to a better understanding of the challenges faced in continuing the literacy process during the pandemic. The research highlights the importance of the family to help promote the learning of the students and shows the teacher training as a means of providing quality education and literacy, emphasizing the importance of a collective work in the reconstitution of learning. Furthermore, the results showed an increase in the students' literacy deficit and indicate that a joint work is needed to overcome the difficulties imposed by the pandemic. Another expected result, since the beginning of the pandemic, was the increase in social and educational inequalities, affecting especially the most vulnerable people in our society. Thus, the literacy process needs to include all students, because every child has the right to literacy and quality education.

Externa ao Programa - 1280776 - DANIELLE XABREGAS PAMPLONA NOGUEIRA - nullPresidente - 2739901 - GIRLENE RIBEIRO DE JESUS
Externo ao Programa - 1221778 - PAULO HENRIQUE PEREIRA SILVA DE FELIPE - nullExterna à Instituição - Viviane Carrijo Volnei Pereira - SEEDF
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/07/2023 08:55
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