Banca de DEFESA: Roberta Borges Camargo Lima Lago Pereira

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : Roberta Borges Camargo Lima Lago Pereira
DATE: 30/10/2023
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Virtual
ADOLESCENT OFFENDERS BEFORE ADMISSION: The path to the infraction from the view of adolescents and their families in Brazlândia Inpatient Unit (Uibra)


Teen ofender; Life trajectory before an offender’s internment; Perceptions of adolescent offenders and their families; Family of teenage ofender; Brazlândia Inpatient Unit(Uibra).

PAGES: 160
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

The present work aims to show the life trajectory of adolescents from the Brazlândia internment unit (Uibra) before they were sentenced to comply with the strict internment measure in the perception of socio-educational adolescents and their families. The Final Course Completion Paper (TFCC) is organized in a multipaper format, consisting of five articles. The writings were prepared based on interviews carried out with 47 adolescents and 26 family members from the aforementioned unit. A semi-structured interview guide was used with themes that covered aspects of the relationship with school, drugs, criminal ties, and family. All interviewees were aware of the Free and Informed Consent Form (TLCE). The combination of articles revealed, in general terms, that the guarantee of the rights of these developing subjects were not implemented, even though they were included in public policy regulations. Thus, it was noticed that they are triggered at the time of the infraction, when that individual is involved in a fragile reversion by the existing social network, which is overloaded. Thus, it is understood that the prevention of social disruption among adolescents does not happen in a timely manner. Therefore, based on this inference, a proposal is presented for a technical product for early intervention in the infraction situation with the aim of reducing initial illegal bonds and, therefore, strict internments.

Interna - ***.516.521-** - ALCYONE VASCONCELOS - UnB
Presidente - 404712 - BERNARDO KIPNIS
Interno - 1476784 - REMI CASTIONI
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/10/2023 08:57
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