Banca de DEFESA: André Honório Gomes de Souza Costa

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
STUDENT : André Honório Gomes de Souza Costa
DATE: 20/12/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala da Atos - FE-01

SECONDARY EDUCATION AND ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCARION: Perceptions of students of public and private DF schools


Education; Educational Inequality; Student Perceptions; Access to Higher Education; ENEM

PAGES: 110
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This Dissertation makes a study of educational inequalities seeking to understand the factors that influence the evaluation of basic education results. For this purpose, this research used as methodology two main techniques to collect data: the interview via Google Forms and participant observation. The discussion started from two theories, Social Modernity and Social Reproduction. It was found that there are theoretical contradictions regarding the role of education in social stratification and also that educational inequalities are reproduced in the Federal District. It is concluded that women were the majority in participation. In private schools, people who declared themselves white predominated; In the public secondary schools, the majority declared themselves black or mixed race. Regarding the prospects for access to higher education, students from private schools want more and the level of education and economic capital of their parents are higher. Furthermore, they invest more in cultural and social capital, that is, they dedicate more time to study, invest more in preparatory courses for the entrance exam, in private classes and in studying with their family. Finally, it is suggested that the State should provide conditions so that students in public schools can have the same opportunities as students in private schools, through quality public policies and greater investments in research on this topic.

Presidente - ***.516.521-** - ALCYONE VASCONCELOS - UnB
Interno - 404712 - BERNARDO KIPNIS
Externa à Instituição - CINARA GOMES DE ARAÚJO LOBO - FNDE
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/11/2023 17:39
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